Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
Common Misconceptions about the Health of Young Adults

People in their late teens to their thirties experience the height of their youth. They take their health for granted, exposing their bodies to harmful practices, thinking they won’t be sick because of their age.

They couldn’t be any more wrong. Heart disease, diabetes, and auto-immune disorders choose no age. A 13-year-old can die of a heart attack. It happened in 2008. Zhen Siong, a 13-year-old boy from Lukut, Malaysia, became the youngest person in Malaysia to die of a heart attack after collapsing at his tuition center.

Before Zhen Siong, the youngest person to succumb to the same disease was 27 years old.

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Although Siong’s case was unusual, it showed that young people aren’t as invulnerable to disease as they believe they are. An unhealthy lifestyle increases anyone’s risk for disease, regardless of their age. Genetics play a role, too. If someone has a family history of juvenile diabetes, their chances of developing the disease are high.

That said, here are the top myths about young adult health you should know about:

1.  Young Adults Can’t Get Diabetes and Cardiovascular Problems

If a heart attack can affect a 13-year-old, how much vulnerable could a 25-year-old be? Overweight people in their 20s are at risk of type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular problems. They can get the disease from an unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and drinking.

Thankfully, preventing diabetes and cardiovascular problems isn’t hard. But for someone who indulges in a self-destructive lifestyle, it might be easier said than done. They have to cut out their vices, eat more vegetables, calcium, fruits, and whole grains and exercise regularly. To start doing these, they may need a strong support system, including health professionals, so that they can stay committed.

2. Young Adults Can’t Get Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s and dementia are two common age-related diseases, but surprisingly, they can affect young adults, too. These neurodegenerative disorders can be caused by age, genetics, vices, and lack of exercise. Sadly, if young adults have high-risk factors for these diseases, they can’t prevent them entirely. But regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep can delay the progression of the disease.

3. Young Adults Can’t Get Arthritis

Arthritis, or more specifically, rheumatoid arthritis, is more common among older women than young adults. However, one’s risks factors for it can start in their 20s. If they don’t exercise regularly, do stretches, and maintain healthy body weight, chances are they’d develop rheumatoid arthritis later in their lives.

This disease is an inflammation in the joints, causing pain and mobility issues. If young adults want to enjoy their 40s and golden years, they should prevent the disease in their 20s. They can determine their risk factors through exceptional rheumatoid arthritis care or get right away into healthy habits such as exercising, quitting vices, and sleeping at least seven hours a day.

4. Young Adults Can’t Experience Fertility Issues

A lot of young adults fear the idea of marrying late because they believe age affects their fertility. While they’re not wrong, being young doesn’t mean they’re automatically more fertile either. Young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal imbalance can suffer fertility issues. Young men with low testosterone and steroid use problems can experience likewise.

Smoking is also one of the major causes of fertility problems. For men, using performance-enhancing supplements is another risk factor. Many of them aren’t aware that those supplements could contain unlabeled and illegal steroids. As a result, they unknowingly put themselves at risk for hormone dysregulation and reduced sperm count.

5. Young Adults Can’t Get Acne

Young adults who still get breakouts aren’t simply suffering from minor skin issues. They’re dealing with adult acne, an effect of hormonal imbalance, which happens due to stress. In some cases, they could just be dealing with clogged pores, bacteria, or side effects from medication. Whichever the cause, adult acne shouldn’t be neglected.

Rosacea, a skin problem that causes redness and bumps, is sometimes called adult acne, but it’s an entirely different condition. Adult acne involving papules, deep cysts, swelling, extreme irritation, and redness is more serious. Thankfully, adult acne doesn’t lead to more severe diseases, but it should be treated to prevent pain, discomfort, and self-confidence issues.


By knowing the health conditions young adults can get, we can promote a healthier lifestyle to their age group using solid facts. Nowadays, health is more important than anything, so young adults should re-evaluate their lifestyles and consider what they value. It’s fun to explore everything in our youth, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of our health and long lives.


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