Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may have been prescribed a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help you breathe better at night. Getting used to sleeping with a CPAP can take some time and patience. Trying out different masks and settings through a CPAP trial period can help you find the best fit for your needs. This article explores how CPAP trials work and provides tips for maximising your trial experience.

What is a CPAP Trial?

A CPAP trial allows you to test a machine for a set period, usually 1-3 months. This will enable you to experiment with different masks, adjust pressure settings, and get used to sleeping with the device before committing to purchasing one. CPAP suppliers and sleep clinics often provide these trials to ensure you are correctly matched with the right equipment.

During a CPAP trial, you will be set up with a machine to use at home. A technician will educate you on using the device and adjusting the settings. They will likely start you on an essential nasal or full-face mask. You may also receive filters, tubing, and headgear. Proper mask fitting and finding the optimal pressure setting are critical, so expect some trial and error at first. Keep a sleep diary to track your progress. Most trials allow you to swap out masks or equipment to find the best fit.

Tips for CPAP Trial Success

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your CPAP trial period:

Be Patient with Yourself

It takes most patients, from days to weeks, to get fully accustomed to CPAP therapy. Keep going even if it doesn’t feel natural right away. Stick with it, and you will adapt.

Keep Your Supplies Clean

Clean your mask, tubing, and headgear regularly to avoid irritation or reactions on your face. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper cleaning techniques.

Find the Right Mask

If your initial mask is uncomfortable, try a different style or size. Nasal pillows, full face masks, and nasal masks come in many options. Work with your provider to find the best option.

Use Supplies to Reduce Irritation

Soothing gels, balms, liners, and creams can help reduce skin irritation from your mask. Humidifiers and dry mouth spray also make therapy more comfortable.

Adjust Air Pressure Gradually

Work slowly up to your prescribed pressure setting if needed. This allows you to acclimate to the airflow. Discuss pressure adjustments with your sleep technician.

Watch for Mask Leaks

If you feel air leaking from your mask, adjust the straps or headgear so it fits snugly against your face. This optimises airflow and comfort.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing, meditation, or yoga before bed can make it easier to fall asleep with your CPAP. A calming bedtime routine helps.

Communicate with Your Provider

Let your equipment supplier or sleep doctor know if you have any persistent issues or discomfort. Don’t give up without seeking help.

Next Steps After Your CPAP Trial

After your trial period, you’ll meet with your healthcare provider to evaluate your progress and decide next steps. If your trial went well and CPAP therapy works for you, you’ll likely be approved to receive your own CPAP equipment. Your provider can help you find the suitable device and supplies covered by your insurance.

If you’re still struggling with CPAP, additional trialling with equipment adjustments, a sleep study, or an oral appliance fitting may be recommended. Whatever path is right for you, advocate for yourself and don’t stop until you find your way to restful nights and better sleep health. Consistent CPAP use can transform your sleep and daily functioning when appropriately fitted to meet your needs.


Getting used to sleeping with CPAP therapy takes time, patience, and some trial and error. But sticking with it opens up the possibility of more restorative sleep and relief from sleep apnea symptoms. Work closely with your healthcare provider during your CPAP trial period to optimise your comfort and progress. Adjust equipment, pressure settings, masks or other aids until you find what suits your unique needs. With commitment to the process, CPAP can become a lifelong therapy that transforms your nights, restores your energy, and puts you back on the path to better health. Don’t give up – a restful night’s sleep is within your reach through an adequate CPAP trial.

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