Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
stone tomb

Twin stone is a stone grave for lovers who often wish to be together even when they are dead. Therefore, the twin tomb is a place of extremely noble spiritual significance.

This is the burial place of those who love each other and want to lie down side by side like couples, parents, grandparents.

The twin tombs have the same basic design as a single tomb mẫu mộ đá . The only difference is that the twin graves are built next to each other and there is no path between the two graves. Therefore, two separate tombs are made into a population of though two but one but two.

The deep affection of the deceased is shown through the grave of the couple and helps children and grandchildren remember their beautiful love. Thereby, this is also a reminder for the descendants of the next generation to always love each other until the end of the tooth.

This is also a beautiful image in the culture of gratitude of the Vietnamese people through generations that need to be handed down and preserved.

Stone is often used to make double tombs

The twin stone graves are often built by beautiful, durable monolithic natural stones. Some of those rocks include dark green stone, yellow stone, and moss green stone mộ đá đôi .

Each stone has its own advantages and through the skillful hands of the artisans, the stones have their own beauty.

Dark green stone is the rock quarried in Thanh Hoa and is often used by people for its durability.

Nghe An yellow stone brings rich and precious colors, and means prosperous feng shui.

High-grade mossy green stone is a popular stone because of both its aesthetics, the ability to easily process patterns and an affordable price.

All of them help create a stable double tomb with time and carry noble spiritual values.

Types of stone double tombs

  1. Double stone graves are cremated and cremated

Rock graves are sometimes cremated or cremated, buried (to sand, pick up) usually appear in the North or in plain areas. The size of the tomb is usually not large, only 167cm wide and 197cm long.

But many families also make ready graves before death or if the husband (wife) dies first, they always make a double tomb so the size will be larger. The size of a double burial chamber, built-in crematorium should be large so that later on, it will be easier to remove the lid and bring the remains down.

  1. Beautiful Tam Son double stone tomb

The Tam Son double tomb is a simple double tomb. Although there is no roof, no fussy and detailed details, but the three-painted double stone tomb still shows the aesthetics and sacred meaning of the tomb cluster.

The Tam Son duo also has no shortage of delicate sculpted patterns to make the project more meaningful.

  1. Two-level stone tombs

The three-level double stone tomb is a simple but sophisticated and modern tomb model. The three-level graves are designed in a structure of stone blocks that are stacked in order from big to small.

The largest layers are placed at the bottom and the upper layers gradually get smaller. Usually, the second layer will be about 10cm smaller than the first layer and the top layer about 12 to 15cm smaller.

  1. Beautiful Catholic double stone graves

The Catholic double tomb is the burial place for Christian couples and relatives. Catholic tombs will have distinctive features such as the Cross, the Bible, and the Angels as prayers for the deceased to return to God as well as with the best for their descendants.

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