Sun. Oct 13th, 2024
Erectile Dysfunction in Different Ages

It can found there is not any particular age men suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. The men often suffer from the problem erectile dysfunction often suffer from the problem of low self-confidence. These men often live stressed life as they never get sexual pleasure in their life. Even the men who are suffering erectile dysfunction are unable to get pregnancy. The sex partners of the men suffering from erectile dysfunction suffer from disappointment as they never able to get high end sexual satisfaction. The men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction always want to get rid of the problem of this problem.

According to the different researches it has been found that men of different age group suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction due to different reasons. These men spend pathetic life when they are suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. The men always want to get out of the situation of erectile dysfunction and for this they try different kinds of things but at the end of the day men hardly get the best results. The men suffering from erectile dysfunction often used take medicines from the markets but these adversely affect their body as these medicines have side effects.

Erectile dysfunction in the age of 20s

It will be amazing still it is truth that men of the age of 20 are suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. These men often feel disappointed as they never able to express their problem as they think that people will make fun out of them. The major causes of erectile dysfunction in the age of 20s are as follows:

Excess masturbation

At the age of 20s most of the youth do excessive masturbation and due to this reason extra pressure is exerted on the nerves of their penis. Due to this reason nerves of penis become weaker and these men suffer from the problem the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Dependence on medicines

There are many men many men in the age of 20s used to take different types of medicines. When these men take medicines they suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. The medicines make body weak and due to this reason men suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. You can use Cenforce 200 for ed but first consult to your doctor.

Consuming junked foods

It can be seen the men of 20s often love to consume junked foods. These men never want to make compromises and at the same time they want to take delicious junked food although these foods have low nutritional value. Due to this reason these men often suffer from the problem erectile dysfunction as their body is not having stamina for lasting longer in the bed.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in the age of 30s

The men in the age group of 30s often suffer from erectile dysfunction and due to this reason they spend very painful life. The men of 30s are often suffering from erectile dysfunction due to different reasons. Let us know the following reasons due to which men suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction:

Stressful life

In the age of 30s men often want to get success in their life and for this they do hard work. These men often want to stay in front of others so that people can admire them and at the same time they can become rich and powerful. In this race these people forget about sex life and suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Emotional challenges

In the age of 30s often men suffer from emotional problems as they have to manage their work and their sex life. Even break-up in relationship is also major cause of erectile dysfunction. The men always want to live happy life but in the age of 30s most of the times due to different reasons men spend unhappy life due to which they suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Depression and disappointment

In the age of 30s most of the men are suffering from the problem of depression and disappointment as they want to achieve everything by putting less effort. However, it is not possible for most of the men it is not possible for men to achieve everything they want and due to this reason they suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in the age of 40s

The men who are spending life in the age of 40s are suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. These men want to feel normal life in which they can get long lasting erection in which they will be able to satisfy their sex partner. Let us know the reasons for getting erectile dysfunction in the age of 40s.


The men of 40s often suffer from the problem of obesity and due to this reason these men suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. Due to obesity the sexual desire of men decline and men never able to get lost lasting erection in the bed for satisfying their sex partner.


It can be found most of the men of 40s are suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction due to smoking. You must know that due to smoking lungs of men become weak and the nerves unable to pump blood in nerves of penis due to these reasons men never able to get long lasting erection in the penis.

Causes of erectile dysfunction in the age of 50s

In the age of 50s it is very common to find that men are suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. The men who are looking for long lasting erection in the penis in the age of 50s can now take help of medicines. Let us know the reasons for erectile dysfunction in the age of 50s.

Weak nerves

Most of the times in the age of 50s the nerves of the penis of the men become weaker and they suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. These men need dietary supplements for getting long lasting erection in their bed.


The most of the men of age group of 50s suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction as they are consuming alcohol. These men want to enjoy alcohol more than sex as they have least sexual desire in their life.

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