Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

To be a student means to live through ups and downs merely every day. You may be lucky and quite happy one day, but everything may change when you get a complicated assignment the other day. Students know that writing essays and other academic papers is important, but some tasks seem to be overly challenging. As a result, millions of youngsters from all around the globe try to solve their learning issues online.

The Internet is an enormous source of all kinds of information. It surely offers multiple opportunities to improve your skills, fill the gaps in your knowledge, or find learning aid. Thus, many youngsters request cheap essay help from AffordablePapers. It is a competent and reliable custom writing service where you can get high-quality aid at an affordable price. On the other hand, some folks do not want to pay anything and look for free options. As students are divided into 2 categories, we think it’s necessary to shed light on both opportunities. Our informative article focuses on free and fee-based essay help options.

The Benefits and Peculiarities of Free Options

The Internet is full of free websites, which offer their help. These are non-profit governmental and educational websites. The help they offer comes in different forms:

  • Online lessons;
  • Textbooks;
  • Guides;
  • Tutorials;
  • Webinars;
  • Workshops;
  • Practical courses;
  • Profession programs;
  • Scientific articles;
  • Manuals;
  • Studies;
  • Surveys, etc.

Various educational events and materials can be accessed for free. Thanks to them, students can find the answers to all the questions they have. These events, courses, and materials help to:

  • Fill in the knowledge gaps;
  • Improve all academic skills;
  • Solve common and non-common learning issues;
  • Learn how to write any piece of writing;
  • Avoid possible mistakes, etc.

The main focus of free essay helping sources is self-education. It is surely crucial because all students are expected to work hard on their own and solve most of their tasks without someone’s help. It is a wise strategy, but it has one sufficient drawback. Every learner needs some time to improve what he/she wants and overcome his/her typical issues. In the meanwhile, some papers must be submitted very fast. As a result, fee-based aid becomes the best alternative.

The Benefits and Peculiarities of Fee-Based Essay Help

Now, it is necessary to discuss free-based essay help. It is offered by private tutors and custom writing services. Both options help to quickly solve all academic issues and reach the necessary goals. Yet, there are a few crucial differences you should know about.

If you discuss tutoring, we should mention the price. It is more expensive compared to academic writing help. Another serious drawback is time, which is limited. A private tutor is only one person who has many clients and also has his/her routine duties. Therefore, there are no guarantees that he or she will be available every time you need academic support. Besides, one tutor specializes in one or a few more subjects. It sufficiently limits your choice.

On the contrary, academic writing companies have hundreds of experts who specialize in various academic fields. Therefore, your choice and timeframes are not limited. You may find experts in:

  • Math;
  • Engineering;
  • Computer science;
  • Philosophy;
  • Psychology;
  • Medicine;
  • Biology;
  • Sociology;
  • Literature;
  • Music, etc.

Professional writers can easily handle any essay type, as well as term papers, lab reports, book critiques, case studies, movie reviews, dissertations, resumes, and so on. The list is unlimited! Besides, they can tackle your paper in any suitable way:

  • Write and rewrite;
  • Cite and make references;
  • Outline and research;
  • Edit and proofread.

They have excellent skills and so easily match the top standards of all high schools, colleges, and universities. They know the best time management strategies and apply them when they are needed. Just provide your conditions and your helper will assess them. If they are realistic, you will surely get your paper before the deadline is over.

The price set by custom companies is sometimes different. Yet, this difference is not big if you talk about legal and highly reputed platforms. They understand the shortcomings of students, and so propose relatively cheap prices. Moreover, a lot depends on your preferences. Before you place the order, fill in the application form that consists of the next fields:

  • Quality and type of the paper;
  • Kind(s) of skills;
  • Deadline;
  • Length;
  • Format;
  • Other demands.

All these fields shape the total cost. If it exceeds your budget, change at least one field to see how it impacts the cost. Regulate the cost until it suits your pocket, and do not overpay! Mind that many platforms offer great discounts and promotions for their clients.

They also ensure your funds. After your writer accepts your conditions, he or she is obliged to complete them all. If your agreement is violated, your money will be returned. You may also return your project for improvement. Your writer will revise it for free as many times as necessary to fully satisfy all your demands. As you can see, you risk nothing when you invest your money into custom help. Among other benefits are:

  • Full privacy protection;
  • 24/7 accessibility;
  • Smart team of support;
  • 100% authentic papers.

The only possible drawback is a strong dependence on such sites. Many students become lazier and do not want to complete most of their assignments on their own. You should not repeat their mistake! It is dangerous for your academic progress. If you do not develop your skills regularly, they will decrease in quality, and so you will not be able to complete even the simplest essay according to the demands of your educational institution.


We do not claim that one of these two options is better. Each has certain benefits, and they all help to become better, more skillful, and successful. We recommend combining them. Free essay help stimulates self-education, which is always important. However, some tasks may be too complicated at the moment and so fee-based help is a fast and effective solution to your learning hardships. Simply make sure not to overuse professional custom aid.

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