Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

The zero moment of truth is the moment when a potential customer is looking for more information before hitting the hammer. Therefore, understanding consumer habits and helping them at this crucial time is essential for those who want to sell more on the internet.

In sales, we call all and any type of interaction between your business and the customer moment of truth.

This is because it is through this contact that the consumer will form his opinion about the product or service provided by your company.

But with the emergence of the internet, the shopping journey as we knew it underwent a transformation, so did the moment of truth.

After all, who does not do a search on a search engine before buying a product or check the experience of others with a particular service?

Thus, as today commercial interaction begins before any direct contact was defined, so the zero moment of truth, or simply, ZMoT

In other words, it refers to the moment when the user is looking for information on the web in order to promote his purchase decision.

Therefore, understanding the new consumer habits and providing relevant data for him to find in his research is essential for those who want to sell more on the internet.

This is because by solving all doubts of this possible customer and proving by A + B that your product is more advantageous than the competition so that he is ready to seal the deal with you.

But for that to happen, you need to know how to be present at ZMoT, right?

So, if you want to know how to win new customers at the zero moment of truth, check out our 5 tips for selling more on the internet:

  • Create a blog
  • Produce valuable content
  • Optimize your page
  • Be present on social networks
  • Watch for trends
  • Do you already know what zero moment of truth is? Take advantage of the tips and start selling more on the internet!
  1. Create a blog

The first step in participating in the zero moment of truth in the buying journey is to have a web page, like a blog, for example.

That’s because it will serve as a bridge between you and the user so that they can learn more about your company and your product or service.

It may seem complicated, but on the internet there are platforms, such as WordPress, which allow you to create a page without any major problems and even for free.

With that ease, you can even start thinking about the next step. check out our guide how to create a free Blog.


  1. Produce valuable content

Well, after your communication platform has been defined, it’s time to start thinking about how you are going to feed it.

To do this, invest in the production of relevant content, that is, one that explores all the angles of your product or service in a way that resolves all possible doubts about the topic.

That way when the user searches for the subject, he will find all the answers on his blog and will not feel the need to look for another complementary channel.

If you want more tips on how to produce relevant material, check out the article on Content Marketing and get wild on the topic.

And for the visitor to find your page more easily at the zero moment of truth, the fourth tip of this content shows a hand in the wheel in this regard.


  1. Optimize your page

When we hear about online content production, a term commonly associated with practice is SEO.

If the term is still strange, it is nothing more than a nomenclature used to refer to techniques for optimizing websites for search engines.

That is, as search pages always seek to choose the best options to provide a good user experience, these practices seek to optimize a website so that it meets these requirements.

For this, it is necessary to have a page adapted for mobile devices, adopt the practice of link building to obtain credibility and, of course, make use of keywords in the content.

That is, use the terms that people normally use when they want to find something on the web through search engines.

That way, the search sites will understand that your site is meeting the needs of that visitor and will reward you with a good placement on the results page.

So it is possible to attract more visibility for your company and be able to be part of that visitor’s ZMoT.

However, we must not forget another channel widely used for consultations at the zero moment of truth in the purchase journey.


  1. Be present on social networks

Although search engines are the main way to answer questions, we must not forget that social networks are also widely used for this purpose in ZMoT.

With the popularity of influencers, that is, internet celebrities with great influence under their huge number of followers, this channel has become very useful in this regard.

That’s because people tend to take into account the opinion and habits of their favorite personality when evaluating a product or service.

In addition, social networks are also part of consumer habits in order to stay informed about the public’s opinion about your company.

That way you can gather valuable information to produce content that is exactly what the user is looking for.

Finally we are almost done with the list, before, however, we still have one last tip to sell more on the internet through the zero moment of truth.


  1. Stay tuned for new trends

As we said in the previous topic, nowadays the public is under many influences, be they from influencers, from films, series and even TV shows.

Thus, understanding consumer habits and knowing the latest news related to the sector of your product or service is an excellent way to be part of his ZMoT.

This is because this is a way of inserting your company in the hottest discussion of the moment and attracting the much desired attention of consumers.

And if you have followed our tips for producing relevant content, you will certainly be able to get the user to finish the search there and make the purchase decision for your product.

Did you see how pertinent these tips were? Now you’re ready to sell more on the internet thanks to the zero moment of truth.

Do you already know what zero moment of truth is? Take advantage of the tips and start selling more on the internet!

In that publication you saw that new consumer habits, like researching before closing a deal, are now known as zero moment of truth, or just ZMoT.

Therefore, understanding the user’s need for relevant information is essential for the purchase decision to be made in favor of your company.

For this, we present in this content 5 simple tips for your business to be seen and be part of the zero moment of the user’s truth.

And he saw how essential it is to have an optimized blog filled with relevant content to solve all the doubts of the visitor and instigate him to purchase your product or service.

If you want more tips to enrich your strategy in order to sell more on the internet, check out the content on digital marketing techniques.

By admin

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