Fri. May 3rd, 2024


You are looking for some first aid training in Nottingham? If yes then don’t worry because we provide first aid certification courses in Nottingham.

First Aid courses are designed to teach people to deal with injuries and illnesses that they might encounter during their time off from school or college. First-aid skills are useful in a range of situations, such as minor cuts and bruises sustained on sports days, accidents at home or workplace, serious injuries caused by accidents, and medical emergencies. All employers should ensure their staff receives adequate first-aid training.

First Aid courses Nottingham

First aid courses in Nottingham are designed to teach people how to effectively deal with injuries caused by accidents. These courses cover a broad range of topics including the basics of anatomy, physiology, wound care, emergency procedures, first aid equipment, CPR, basic first aid skills,and much more. First aid Courses in Nottingham offered to vary in length and duration and are generally taught over two days. You will receive enough information to safely help anyone who may have been injured as long as they can follow instructions.

  1. Emergency First Aid Course

These courses run for three hours and provide you with a thorough introduction to the world of first aid in case of emergencies. The course covers basic principles of first aid, anatomy, physiology, wound management, CPR, medical emergencies, and a good overview of what to do if someone collapses.

  1. Wound Care Course

A wound care course teaches you about different types of wounds, and how to properly clean them and dress them using sterile techniques. The course covers how to treat abrasions, cuts, lacerations, punctures, and burns and includes practical training on applying bandages and dressings.

  1. Medical Emergencies Course

This three-hour course teaches you about several medical conditions and their symptoms. Common emergencies covered include heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, diabetic emergencies, epileptic seizures, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, panic attacks, organ transplant, snake bites, spider bites, shock, and many more. You will learn about the treatments associated with these conditions and how to treat some minor ailments yourself.

  1. Basic First Aid Course

The basic first aid course runs for five hours and gives you a brief introduction to the world of basic first aid. This course covers anatomy, physiology, wound assessment, bleeding control, bandaging, splinting and tourniquet use, safety issues, fire prevention, choking, eye injury, dental emergencies, first aid in pregnancy, and a good overview of the essentials of first aid.

  1. First Aid Equipment

There are numerous first aid kits available that cover everything from cuts and scrapes to broken bones and head injuries. It’s best to practice carrying a personal first aid kit around with you at all times so you’re prepared in the event of an accident.

  1. Adult First Aid Course

This course is ideal for those looking to gain experience working with first aid in a professional setting. If you are interested in gaining work experience then this could be the perfect course for you. This course lasts for seven consecutive hours and covers a variety of topics including adult trauma, cardiac arrest, pediatric resuscitation, burns, diabetes, epilepsy, poisoning, respiratory distress, and many others. There is also a mock clinical exam section where you’ll apply the knowledge you’ve acquired throughout the course and answer clinical questions related to each condition.

details about first aid courses in Nottingham.

The course consists of eight modules (each lasting 2 hours)

  • Module 1 – Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Module 2 – Emergency care for adults
  • Module 3 – Emergency care for children
  • Module 4 – Minor injuries and burns
  • Module 5 – Poisoning and drug overdose
  • Module 6 – Shock and major trauma
  • Module 7 – Heat illness and dehydration
  • Module 8 – Management of mass casualty incidents

All eight modules together make up the whole of the Nottingham First Aid Course – which is awarded after successful completion of the entire course.

You will need to attend each module at least once before moving on to the next module. You may have to return to complete a module depending on how long it takes you to pass any assessments and whether you have passed all the modules.

This is a practical course, meaning you do hands-on training rather than sitting and listening to lectures. In addition to learning CPR skills, you will learn to deal with medical emergencies including first aid treatment for asthma attacks, seizures, burns, diabetes, alcohol poisoning, allergic reactions, chest pain, heart attack, and stroke.






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