Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Skincare tips that can make your skin look and feel young

The American Society of Dermatology surmises that skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the country. One in five people will have skin cancer in their lifespan. Furthermore, more than three million Americans suffer from non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), including more than one million people who have an active diagnosis of melanoma. Midtown East Kybella can bring back hope in your life if you are among this population. There are four kinds of skin cancer as follows:

  1.     Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

This form of skin cancer is the most prevalent one, and it accounts for nearly 80 percent of incidences in the US. BCC happens on the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. This cancer primarily affects areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as the neck, face, and hands. BCC presents a waxy bump or tiny growth that is pale in color or a spot on your face or hands that appears different from your skin.

Basal cell carcinomas are slow to develop until you notice signs of a bleeding sore or a yellowish scar. One can easily mistake it for a sore or wound, and it can go on for years without treatment. Fatalities from this cancer are rare, but late detection often comes with severe cosmetic damage to the face. Modern medicine provides therapies that can effectively handle most of these cases.

  1.     Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

This form of cancer, just like BCC and melanoma, is distinct, meaning it does not morph from one kind to another. Similar to BCC, squamous cell carcinoma occurs on parts usually exposed to sunshine, such as the lips and ears. If you notice an area on your body that appears wartlike, scaly, or rough, you need an exam. A skin sore that will not heal or crusty surfaces should also raise concern. Radiation therapy and surgery are viable treatments that successfully manage SCC.

  1.     Melanoma

This form of skin cancer is the most severe kind, and it occurs in melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanin production. Melanin not only dictates your skin’s color but also the color of your eyes and hair. Melanoma usually results from exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun or indoor tanning booths. This repeated exposure damages the DNA of melanin, thus giving rise to cancer cells.

Light-skinned people or those with light-colored eyes are more susceptible, and so are people with a family history of this disease. Advanced age is a risk factor too.

  1.     Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC)

This form of skin cancer is not common, and there are only about 400 incidences per annum. Merkel cell carcinoma or neuroendocrine cancer of the skin is notoriously aggressive, but early detection of MCC is key to successful containment and recovery. It occurs when nerve cells and endocrine cells grow irrepressibly. The resulting tumors can grow in sun-exposed or hidden areas presenting a pink nodule. Weak immune systems and fair skin are potential risk factors.

In the end, skin cancer is a real problem to grapple with, and anyone can get it even when they use sunblock. If you suspect anything is amiss, contact a dermatologist immediately for a thorough exam.

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