Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Muslims believe that the Torah Al Tawra of the Prophet Moses Musa, the Psalms Al Zabur of the Prophet David Dawud, and the Gospel Injil of the Prophet Jesus (Isa Ibn Mariam), are books revealed by God, but they have been corrupted by Jews and Christians.1 2 For this reason, the Qur’an takes up the stories of many of the characters and events that appear in the sacred books of the Jews and Christians (El Tanakh, The Bible) and devotional literature The Apocryphal Books and the Midrash, although it differs from these in many details. Certain well-known biblical characters, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus are mentioned in the Quran as prophets of Islam. Not forgetting Mary (Maryam in Arabic), the mother of Jesus, who is named numerous times and always in a complimentary way.


The episodes are the same with differences in detail, some less important than others, and the fragments are scattered among the verses of the suras. It narrates details of the episodes about the creation of the man to whom the name of Adam is given in the Garden, the disobedience of the angel Iblis before the command of God Allah to prostrate himself before Adam, and how God calls Iblis a Demon (Shaytan); the expulsion from the Garden; an indirect mention of Cain and Abel; Noah (Nuh), the ark (the ship) and the flood with the destruction of Noah’s people and the death and one of his sons, as well as the condemnation of his wife for treason; the ark rests on the Chudi (the mountains of Ararat according to the Tanakh Genesis); the fertility of Abraham’s wife, the birth of Isaac and God’s test of Abraham (Ibrahim) asking him to sacrifice Isaac; the destruction of the people of Lot (Sodom) and the condemnation of his wife for treason; the stay of the Israelites in Egypt, the birth of Moses, their competition with Pharaoh’s magicians, the nine signs (the ten plagues according to Tanach), the passage of the sea, the encounter of Moses with God when he saw a fire (in angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush, according to Tanach), the tables of the law, the calf (the golden calf); David, who kills Goliath, etc.

That is to say, for the best online Qur’an teach, the Trinitarian drift of Christianity distances men from the uniqueness of God, which places Jesus as one more Envoy to make him the Son of God, that is, to place him as the Incarnate Word. But this does not mean that for the Qur’an Jews and Christians have the status of “infidels”, but that both, by the mere fact of believing in God and therefore belonging to the Abrahamic lineage, can enter the garden of Eden. That is why neither Jews nor Christians are treated as associates nor as unbelievers in general.

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Hence the Koranic operation of returning to the figure of Abraham to place him as a hanif, that is, as one who, being neither Jewish nor Christian, is submitted to God: “They say: If you are Jews or Christians, you are on the road. straight “. Say: “No, rather the religion of Abraham, which was hanif and not associative / Say:” We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, in what he revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, in what Moses, Jesus, and the prophets received from their Lord. We do not distinguish between any of them and we submit to Him “(S, 2, 135-136).

These two verses of Sura 2 show very well the operation that Islam intends to carry out, namely, to unify the fracture of monotheism and to position itself as the reconciliation of both movements. That is why the Qur’an does not stop remembering: “God! There is no other God than He, the Living, the Subsistent / He has revealed the Scripture to you with the Truth, in confirmation of the previous messages. He has revealed the Torah and the Gospel. There is no more God than He, the Mighty the Wise “(S, 3, 2-3-6). The phrase that is repeated insistently – “there is no God but Him” ​​- is the phrase that restores monotheism from its fracture. The same God has revealed the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran, which has its equivalent in the figures of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (SAWW). The latter, being the “confirmation of previous messages”, is presented as the restitution of monotheism, suturing – or at least trying to suture – the divide between Jews and Christians.

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