Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

Aging is inevitable, but who says you cannot slow down the process so you can continue feeling younger for another few years? If you are looking for a less invasive option to reduce aging effects while giving you tighter skin, you are right for the Englewood thread lift. A thread lift involves inserting a medical thread into your face, and then your doctor pulls up your skin by tightening this dissolvable thread. You can opt for a thread lift if you have medical conditions that may make general anesthesia a problem. Read on to understand how this treatment works.

What Areas Can a Thread Lift Treat?

You can choose a thread lift to improve the sagging skin to make it tighter. A thread lift can reduce sagging skin in your jawline, brow line, under your eye, cheeks, and forehead. Additionally, you can use a thread lift to lift and tighten your breasts, especially after losing weight and pregnancy.

How Does a Thread Lift Work?

A thread lift works in two different ways. First, your doctor will thread thin dissolvable sutures under your skin and then pull your skin tight, especially around the forehead and neck. Your doctor will insert a barbed thread into your skin so your body can trigger a healing response. The threads will not injure your skin, but your body will detect a suture material to stimulate collagen production, restoring your face’s elasticity. After a year, the sutures will dissolve, and their effects will wear off.

What Happens During a Thread Lift Procedure?

While the technique is similar, the procedure may vary depending on the area requiring treatment. Your doctor will apply topical anesthesia on your skin to prepare you for surgery. Your doctor will then use a thin needle to insert threads under your skin. You will likely feel a light pressure under your skin when your doctor removes the thin needle. You can then go home after your procedure is complete.

Can You Experience Side Effects With A Thread Lift?

The procedure requires a minimal recovery time because it is safe and low-risk. However, you may experience uncommon side effects like bruising, swelling, bleeding, and slight pain at the injection site. Your doctor can easily correct most complications with a simple treatment procedure. You may need to watch out for allergic reactions, bleeding, visible dimpling at the insertion site, and infection. You should also seek immediate treatment for persistent headaches, fever, and swelling beyond 48 hours.

What Can You Expect After a Thread Lift?

While you will likely experience bruising and swelling, you can still resume your routine activities. You will notice results as soon as the threads are in place, but they will continue to improve in the following weeks. Typically, the effects of a thread lift can last for up to 3 years and are not permanent. You may need to skip saunas for the first week after treatment.

A thread lift is a fairly common procedure that reduces sagging in the face, forehead, and neck. The procedure uses dissolvable sutures under your skin to pull your skin tight, thus giving it a firmer appearance and a fresher, youthful look. The thread will stimulate your natural body’s healing response to stimulate collagen production, promoting facial elasticity. Over time, the sutures dissolve, and the effects begin to wear off, but the effects of this procedure can last up to 3 years or more.

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