Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

For most of us, drinking is a regular part of life. Some people consume alcohol in moderation while others tend to over indulge, and on a more regular basis. When an individual starts to take too much alcohol, they often lose self-control and will develop a craving to drink excessively.

At this point, things are no longer the same in that person’s life.

A glass of wine to wash down your dinner every once in a while shouldn’t be a cause for concern, heavy drinking can have undesirable, lasting effects in the short and long term. You can learn more how to get rid of your alcohol addiction at The Edge Treatment, one of the best rehab treatment centers out there.

Here is a list of some highly damaging impacts of alcohol addiction on both your mind and body.

Physical Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol use can have a negative impact on your body both inside and out. Sometimes, the effects of alcohol use are not visible until later in life when it’s too difficult to reverse the complications, leading to a series of health problems and deaths.

For starters, alcohol affects a person’s digestive system by wearing down the stomach lining of the stomach and catalyzes the production of acid which can cause ulcers which can be treated by a regular dose of cheap Lialda. It also alters the breakdown and distribution of food nutrients through the body.

Alcohol abuse can cause calcium imbalance in the body, causing bones to weaken and increasing the risk of bone fractures.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), nearly 95,000 people in the U.S. lose their lives from alcohol-related causes every year.

The leading causes of alcohol-related fatalities caused by chronic conditions between 2011 and 2015 were alcohol-attributable heart disease, breast cancer, hypertension, and liver cirrhosis to name a few.

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

When it comes to the brain, alcohol affects the organ both physically and psychologically. A persistent alcoholic will literally see their brain shrink with time.

The frontal cortex that’s responsible for brain functions such as reasoning and planning are heavily impacted by alcoholism. The hippocampus part of the brain responsible for memory and learning will negatively impact these brain functions.

Alcohol also affects a person’s central nervous system, hampering the brain’s ability to coordinate with the body. This causes slurred speech and alters a person’s motoring capabilities.

Alcohol use disorder is also associated with several mental health issues such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression. These mental illnesses can make a person more susceptible to alcoholism as a result of them using the substance as self-medication.

Consider Checking Into a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Center

Regardless of if you have been diagnosed with alcoholism or deem yourself a mere social drinker, alcohol has an immediate impact on your psychological and physical state from your first sip.

Every organ in your body can feel the effect of drinking, but some face a higher risk of intensive and irreparable damage, including your brain.

The best way to eliminate such health risks now and in the future is to seek professional help from a drug/alcohol treatment center if you are not able to control your drinking.

Make sure that your choice of treatment center offers a treatment program specializing in treating alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health issues.

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