Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

The healing and changing powers of hypnosis can enhance your thoughts, upgrade emotions, and improve your habits. Some people are easily hypnotized, while others need a little more preparation. Others resist the power of hypnosis and believe they can’t get hypnotized because they are unable to give up control. A certified hypnotist can help open-minded clients experience the full potential of hypnotherapy. 

3 Ways To Know if You Can Be Hypnotized

The best way to know whether or not you can be hypnotized is to meet with a reputable hypnotist. You can also take a hypnosis test online to gauge your performance or use a standard susceptibility scale. Both of these methods are based on legitimate hypnotherapy principles but will give you a different experience from being in the presence of a professional. Here are three ways to determine whether you can be hypnotized:

1. Take an Online Test

Online tests offer the easiest way to gauge if you can be hypnotized. They ask questions about how you react to daily stimuli to gauge your susceptibility to hypnosis. The tests include basic questions like whether you regularly daydream or if you tear up when someone is crying next to you. The questions require simple yes/no answers. Each test is unique and asks different questions, but most feature a similar performance scale.

Your performance will determine whether you can easily enter hypnosis or if you’ll need preliminary work. Online tests can be inconclusive and may not accurately determine whether you’ll be able to enter hypnosis. Most people can enter hypnosis under the right settings, especially with a full understanding of the process.

2. Use a Susceptibility Scale

A susceptibility scale introduces factors other than yes/no questions and may provide a better prediction than online tests. You’ll find various scales, including the Friedlander-Sarbin Scale, Stanford Scales, Harvard Group Scale, and more. 

The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales is the most popular test. People are rated on a responsiveness scale from 0 to 12. Your susceptibility scale result can be low, medium, or high. Most people fall in the medium range, which suggests they can be hypnotized under certain conditions. Low range susceptibility means you need more work to enter hypnosis. High susceptibility implies you’re easily hypnotized.

Hypnosis susceptibility scales use suggestions for motor (movement) and thought (cognitive) production and inhibition. Traditional scales like the Harvard Group Scale use suggestions while the subject is under hypnotic induction. Since people can respond to suggestions outside hypnosis, such scales can offer inconclusive results.

3. Visit a Hypnotist

According to a study by Stanford University, some people cannot be hypnotized. The study is based on the same principles and scales mentioned above. Many people who claim they can’t be hypnotized may have difficulty releasing control in unfamiliar situations. Other people are not easily hypnotized for special reasons, like attention disorders that make it difficult to follow instructions or focus on a specific item.

The best way to determine if you can be hypnotized successfully is to try the experience. You can visit a licensed hypnotizer who will take you through the different stages of hypnosis. Stick to reputable professionals with genuine practices and experience. Hypnosis can have many positive benefits once you learn how to unlock its potential.

Working With a Hypnotist

Hypnosis can help you quit smoking, lose weight, resolve sleep issues, relieve anxiety, overcome fear, and reduce other unwanted behaviors. Common everyday experiences like being engrossed in a book or movie can be similar to hypnosis. Clinical hypnosis sessions with a certified hypnotizer are focused on harnessing the healing potential of the practice. Schedule an appointment with a reputable hypnotist to experience specialized treatment.

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