Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Many people ask the question that garbage disposal generally uses how many amps. The answer to this question is that some of the garbage disposals require 15 amps for their work. While others need a 20 amps circuit for them.

That’s why it is necessary for you to check out whether the product you are going to buy is garbage disposal 15 or 20 amp. Before we go into further detail, we should have some general information related to garbage disposals.

 As we know that garbage disposals are an essential part of the kitchen nowadays. Without a garbage disposal, you can not keep the drainage system of your kitchen working well. When you have bought garbage disposal and you are going to install it, then it is necessary for you to know about the requirements of that garbage disposal especially related to electricity. 

Electrical requirements of garbage disposal:

If we talk about the electrical requirements of garbage disposal, the first thing that needs to be considered is the circuit in which that garbage disposal is supposed to be fitted. 

There are two ways that can be adapted to connect garbage disposal with the electrical circuit. One of them is to fit the garbage disposal in a dedicated circuit. And the other is to put the garbage disposal and dishwasher on the same circuit. 

A dedicated circuit:

When you are going to put your Best Quietest Garbage Disposal in a dedicated circuit, then it is necessary for the circuit to be of 15 amps. And using a dedicated circuit is the most preferable and the most recommended method for the fitting of garbage disposal in an electrical circuit. The reason behind the preference for this method is the safety of usage. This method is safe to use and there are very few chances of any accident or mishaps like short circuits and etc.

So, when the garbage disposal is going to be fitted in a dedicated circuit, then it needs 15 amp for its working.

Green garbage truck and the employees are collecting a lot of black garbage bags Premium Photo

When garbage disposal and dishwasher are on the same circuit:

In addition to the dedicated circuit for garbage disposal, there are equal chances that people out garbage disposal and dishwasher on the same circuit. Although, this method is less safe, and in most cases, it is not recommended, but people use this method equally. 

In this case, the electrical circuit must be of 20 amp. You should not put both the garbage disposal as well as a dishwasher on a 15 amps circuit. The reason behind it is that garbage disposal requires on average 4 to 8 amps for its proper working. Similarly, when we talk about how many amperes does a dishwasher draw, the answer is that a dishwasher requires at least 10 amps to work. 

That’s why, if you put both of them on a 15 amps circuit, then you can not fulfill the required amperage of these devices.

Two types of connections:

When it comes to the electrical connection of garbage disposal, there are two ways you can adopt. Some of the products come with an attached power cord and their connection is via a power cord. While others come without a power cord. Therefore, they need to be hardwired directly. 

So, before buying garbage disposal you must check whether it has a power cord or not.


Having knowledge about the amperage of garbage disposal is necessary to give a proper electrical connection to your garbage disposal. Once you know that how many amperes does the food waste disposer draw, you can choose the electrical circuit accordingly. 

All in all, you need to be careful in this regard. So, try to follow the ampere requirements of garbage disposal as mentioned in this article.


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