Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Are you looking for physiotherapy techniques that are good for your legs? Do you want to know how to do physiotherapy at home for your legs? It is not difficult to keep yourself healthy at home if you follow the instructions provided by your professional health specialist.

Physiotherapy exercises for legs and feet are recommended for bedridden patients. This will help their limbs to maintain the normal blood flow or, in some cases, to regain normal movement.

Why is Physiotherapy Important?

Physiotherapy is one of the allied health professions. It becomes an essential part of the healthcare system as it brings significant changes to the patients’ physical health. It promotes, maintains, or restores health through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention, and health promotion.

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is essential as it brings tremendous improvements in people affected by injuries, illnesses, disabilities through movement and exercise. It helps the patients to restore movement, mobility, function, and well-being.

Physiotherapy Exercises For Leg:

Different types of exercises are performed for other problems to legs and their mobility. Sometimes the physiotherapy exercises for the leg are committed to maintaining the normal blood flow in the lower region of the body.

Here are some of the critical lower limb physiotherapy exercises;

Single-Leg Squats:

Single leg squats help strengthen the core muscles and increase flexibility. For this exercise, stand upright on one leg and push your hips backward like in a sitting position. Then bend your knee into a single leg squat position. Slowly return to the standing position. In this whole process, make sure to keep your knee aligned with the center of your foot.

Bridge With Ball:

For bridge with the ball, lie down on your back with knees bent and a ball or pillow between them. Contract the glutes and contract the abdominal muscles to lift the hips slightly above the ground. As you lift, squeeze the ball between the legs and hold on for a few seconds on top, then release as you lower down your body.

Single-Leg Bridge:

For single leg bridge, physical therapy lies down with knees and bent about 90° by exerting weight on the hips for increased resistance. Lift one leg upwards and push the hips up by squeezing the glutes and lower body slowly. Do not arch the lower back to get the maximum benefits.

Double Knee To Chest:

Double knee to chest is another exciting technique to do physiotherapy. Put pressure on your back with your legs outstretched. And then, move both knees up together and place your hands below the knee region on the top of your shin. You can also place your hands on the back of your thighs. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest, stay in this position for ten seconds, then go back to starting position.

Knee Full Extension Exercise:

Knee full extension exercise can be started by sitting in a high enough chair so that the knees can bend to a whole ninety-degree angle. Slowly raise the leg until it is in a horizontal position. Hold your leg in this posture for five seconds, and slowly let it return to the starting position on the ground. Repeat with the other leg. Try to do maximum repetitions to get the full benefits.

Glute Sets:

Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 10 to 15-degree angle and squeeze your buttock muscles together. And stay in this position for five seconds and then relax. Repeat these steps ten more times. You can perform three sets of ten thrice a day.

These are the best at-home physical therapy exercises for the knee and legs. You can try them at your home after getting proper training from your physiotherapist. It is better to stay active as much as possible to keep you busy even in traumas, chronic illnesses, and immobility situations.

Never confuse physiotherapy as an alternative method of treatment like chiropractic therapy. Physical therapy or physiotherapy is more than that and makes your body strong from inside. It helps you to improve your immobilization and postural problems.

Always consult a professional physiotherapist to do physiotherapy for your legs and other body parts at home.

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