Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

With the COVID-19 pandemic still saturating much of the United States, many businesses have turned to unique and unorthodox ways of offering their products or services to consumers. The health and wellness industry is no exception. Across the U.S., yoga studios, gyms, and recreation centers have had to adapt the way that they operate. 

Yoga studios in Portland have had to find unique ways of embracing the reality that in-person classes may be halted for extended periods of time, while also recognizing that exercise and stress-relief are two very important aspects of battling COVID-19.  

So what are yoga studios doing to battle COVID-19 and continue offering their much-needed services? Let’s take a look. 

How Yoga Studios in Portland are Battling COVID-19

Yoga studios are already changing the way they operate, and the ones that are closed are preparing for reopening. That means you may notice things are done a little differently in the future. Some of the changes for COVID-19 and beyond include:

Limited Class Size

COVID-19 has caused many yoga studios to limit their class sizes. This is a trend that will likely continue for some time. Many studios that are open are limiting class size to 25-50% of their usual. Smaller and one-on-one classes are becoming increasingly popular, as are outdoor classes. 

Fewer Classes

Another way that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to change yoga studios is in how many classes they offer. Many yoga studios are offering fewer in-person classes per day. Some are off-setting this by offering online or video classes. Offering fewer classes per day allows staff more time to disinfect between groups, and helps limit exposure between clients and staff.  

No Hands-On Teaching

If you are new to yoga or certain poses, you may be accustomed to your instructor helping you lean and stretch into the appropriate pose. Now, yoga instructors are limiting physical contact in studios in order to limit the spread of germs. 

Video Classes

One way that yoga studios are battling COVID-19 is by offering video classes Some studios are using applications like ClassPass, and others are offering online classes directly through their websites. Platforms like YouTube, Zoom, and Instagram are also becoming increasingly popular. 

What to Do if You Can’t Access a Health or Wellness Facility

If the yoga studios in your area are closed, or you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 and you cannot attend in-person classes, there are some other things you can do to stay active and healthy. Our recommendations include:

  • Exercise at home with your family. Even if it is riding your bikes in the yard, playing basketball, or doing yoga together in your living room – staying active is important to staying healthy. 
  • Get outdoors. With many businesses closed or having reduce hours or capacity, you may turn your attention to the outdoors. Getting outside is a great way to get fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun. When you are outdoors, you can safely social distance, which takes some of the stress off of your workout. 
  • Try a workout video or streaming service. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you can’t have some level of interaction and engagement as you workout. Many streaming services offer live or pre-recorded classes, or you can always fall back on the classic workout DVD selection. 
  • Catch up on household chores. Did you know that just doing household chores can provide health and wellness benefits? You burn calories and engage your body when doing tasks like laundry, washing the car, planting a garden, or doing some spring cleaning. 

Even if you are unable to attend your local yoga studio or gym, remember that exercise is an important part of staying healthy and keeping your immune system functioning properly. 

Yoga studios in Portland are working hard to keep their services available to the masses. The ways that they are working to stave off COVID-19 are likely being implemented by yoga studios across the U.S. Check with your local yoga studio to find out how they are battling COVID-19. 

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