Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

If there is one thing that determines the success of any online store, it is the user experience while on the site. Creating an engaging and positive experience for visitors is a combined outcome of various aspects of your store working in sync with each other leading to the visitor turning into a customer. In this article, we will focus on WordPress online stores and offer some tips and tricks to improve it.

General Tips for improving your WordPress online Store

  • Ensure that the product images uploaded on your store are of high-quality, taken from multiple angles, and allow the user to zoom-in. Many people refrain from buying products because they can’t see exactly what they are buying.
  • If you have the resources, then try uploading videos of your products.
  • Write the product descriptions carefully. Keep them concise, informative, and well-written.
  • Try to keep your product titles SEO-friendly.
  • Instill trust by keeping your policies, processes, and FAQs simple and easy to read.
  • The registration process should be simple and secure.
  • The checkout process should also be quick and secure.
  • Dedicate a page for customers to contact you pre or post-order.
  • You can add more products on your store physically having them by using a Drop Ship Supplier like Oberlo, Salehoo, WWB, etc.
  • Respond to queries quickly.

These are general hygiene tips that can help you make your WP online store better. Next, let’s look at some plugins and tricks that you can use for the same.

Tools for improving your WordPress Online Store

Here are some plugins and tricks that can help you improve your WP online store’s performance:

1.       Better Site Speed = Better Conversions

Did you know that a 1-second delay in the loading time of your page can cost you around 7% in conversions? Also, nearly 79% of shoppers never return to an online store if they are unhappy with the site’s performance and 52% state that quick page loading is important to their site loyalty (Source). As a WordPress site owner, you can take various steps to improve your site speed like image optimization, compressing scripts and CSS files, and HTML code optimization.

On an e-Commerce platform, there are hundreds of pages, scripts, and lines of code. Therefore, optimizing them manually can take months. You can use the following plugins:

  • Smush Image Compression and Optimization for resizing, compressing, and optimizing images.
  • WP Super Minify for minifying, combining, and caching inline CSS and JavaScript files.

Further, opting for a WordPress Hosting plan can also help you optimize the performance, security, and overall speed of your website.

2.       Make payments easy

When it comes to payments, online stores need to offer a secure platform so that users feel comfortable transacting on it. Site owners must also ensure that the platform makes payments easy and effective by integrating features like digital currencies, loyalty points, gift cards, e-wallets, etc.

3.       Manage post-sales service and returns better

While customers remember a good shopping experience, if you offer exceptional post-sales services and handle returns efficiently, then you would certainly earn the trust of the customer for life. Your customers should get an intuitive interface to return, request for an exchange, complain, and even get assistance with their returns. Remember, this is the area where you can determine if a buyer comes back to you or not.

So there you have it! These tips and tricks can certainly help you improve your WordPress online store. If you have some tricks up your sleeve, then please share them with us in the comments below.

By admin