Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Justice Dalveer Bhandari’s victory against the British candidate in the global court is presenting the British media as

india defeated britain in icj court – british media taking defeat as humilation for country

Justice Dalveer Bhandari’s victory against the British candidate in the global court is presenting the British media as a ‘humiliating shock’ to Britain, while India has said that this tough competition will not have any effect on bilateral relation s. In India, Acting High Commissioner of India, Dinesh Patnaik also reiterated that both the countries were in touch with each other since the beginning, which shows strong links between India and Britain. He said, “A senior British Foreign Ministry representative was in touch from the beginning and had said that both of them are friends with the same law system. The whole process was very harmonious and would not affect bilateral relations in any way. “Just a few minutes before the eleventh round of voting in New York on Monday In the United Nations, the British Mission issued a letter declaring that Sir Christopher Greenwood would accept defeat and let his Indian opponent fill the vacant place in the United Nations’ main legal body in The Hague. British media has termed the “tough competition” vote as a sign of Britain’s declining status on this global stage. The Guardian wrote with despair, “For the first time in the 71 year history of the International Court, there will not be a UK judge in his back.” He has written, “British decision to lean in front of growing opposition in the United Nations General Assembly There is a humiliating blow to international prestige and acceptance of dwarf status in international subjects. “]]>

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