Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

How aware are you of the importance of having motivational speakers or inspirational speakers addressing your company once in a while? Mental health concerns have been disturbingly rising in every possible work sector, especially in the post covid world. There is a lot of pressure and challenges the corporate world faces.


Crucial health disorders like stress, hypertension, depression, and even anxiety can be induced and triggered from workplaces. To keep a close check on your fellow employees and yourself is therefore extremely essential. This is where motivational and inspirational speakers can be of great help. They contribute to pushing the employees and company to yield better work efficiently while protecting their sanity. 


A common dilemma faced by company owners researching for their next corporate event is if they should be hiring a motivational or an inspirational speaker. Yes, they are both different and it is important to understand what kind of speaker you might need at your organisation.


Let us look into some of the key differences of choosing either of the speakers and how you can benefit from them. The points explained below will also help you understand what key factors to look into while choosing your guest speaker for an event. 


Before we get into analysing and understanding the differences, it is important to acknowledge that the guest speaker you choose can be both inspiring and motivating when they speak. 


There are no such rigid rules that speakers from both categories should abide by. This division is made to have a better understanding of the two categories and also to simplify it for companies looking for particular speakers. Although both motivation and inspiration would be interconnected, it is necessary to understand them individually. 


Therefore, after understanding their significance you can choose the speaker that would be best beneficial to your company and people. 


Motivational Speaker

Here are some key factors that you need to be aware of if you are looking for a motivational speaker;

  • Motivational speakers aim to help people change their behaviour and actions. They focus on the doing and action to keep people interested in the work they are doing.
  • These speakers mainly aim in heightening the audience’s desire to do something and take action in the situation. They would try to make the audience understand the importance of taking action and working towards the goal without wasting money. 
  • Motivational speakers will definitely be professionals from the firm you choose, but they will also be experts in the particular industry they are invited into. These experts will therefore share their success secrets and pointers that can be incredibly helpful for everyone in your organisation. These pointers will help your employees take action and tackle things that they find difficult to cope with. 
  • Another important quality that will stand out in motivational speakers would be being key thought leaders in a specific field. As motivational speakers aid you in guiding you towards your goal, they will be focused on a specific field. 
  • As mentioned above, because motivational speakers would be more specific to a particular field, they will be covering content connected to the workplace and interests. Focusing on interests and content that is specific to the work they do will help people take quick and smart actions on things. This will also help them locate possible and potential areas where they could go wrong. 
  • Motivational speakers are known to give the push someone needs to take forward the work that is already in progress. Exhaustion can result in inefficient work and lethargy in everyone. These speakers aim on boosting people’s motivation to continue the work they are doing and succeed in them. 


Inspirational Speaker

The following keynotes will explain what important factors to look to while choosing to hire an inspirational speaker;

  • An inspirational speaker would mainly aim to change the thoughts and feelings of the people they speak to. If motivational speakers tend to push people to the desired idea, inspirational speakers pull them into the desired thought and feelings to be successful. 
  • Inspirational speakers focus on heightening the emotions of their audience, thereby making them dig deeper into their emotions and self-reflect on the issues they have. This will make the audience first think about their situation and then take necessary actions if needed. 
  • These speakers are very frank and genuine about the struggles they faced to reach where they are now. They will again be professionals talking to you, but they will also make you understand how they triumphed despite the odds being against them. Watching a real person talking about their success from struggle and hurdles will make people follow their steps and take necessary actions. 
  • Inspirational speakers are also likely to be visionary leaders in many aspects of life. They tend to show their audience about their real struggles and how they managed to tame their mind to focus on their priorities. They will also show the importance of being realistic and optimistic whenever needed in life situations. 
  • The topics discussed by inspirational speakers would mostly not be specific to any field but will definitely be applicable in all fields. They’d usually talk about universal topics that are applicable for everyone no matter what field or industry you are in. Helping to invoke introspection to understand what they want in life is also one of the key goals focussed by these speakers. 
  • While inspirational speakers will also motivate the audience, they go beyond a specific topic and help in finding the root cause of the issues from within. Taking examples and instances from their personal lives, you will see what drove them towards their success. More importantly, they will help you understand how to cope to keep your mind stronger through everything. 


Now that you know the differences, you would have noticed how the differences in some cases are extremely minute and may easily be confused for being the same thing. Both inspiration and motivation are necessary to focus on your work with a better mindset and succeed in what you do. It depends on you and the atmosphere you have at your organisation that will determine to choose the kind of speaker.


If you wish to see the better performance through actions, it is best to hire a motivational speaker. Meanwhile, if you think that your organisation needs help in guiding their thoughts and feelings in the right direction, then you need an inspirational speaker. 

What is crucial now is to choose an organisation that gives you the best professional options for different kinds of speakers to hire. It is important to find a trusted and reliable source to find the right speaker to hire for your company.


If you are looking for inspirational or motivational speakers in Melbourne, then click here to check out one of our top recommendations. Make sure you do not compromise on finding the best options for your company’s well-being. Get Inspired and Get Motivated!

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