Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Khaled Shehata

Any startup that intends to expand and grow its business must think bigger, as there’s nothing wrong with starting small and lean — most businesses have to do so in order to achieve excellence. Oftentimes, there comes a point when external investments and partnerships become necessary, and to capitalize on these opportunities, one must actively work to make their startups as irresistible as possible. 

When you start analyzing the behaviors of successful tech startups, you will notice common patterns that enable their growth. Startups require meticulous planning, budgeting, and resource management. Moreover, Entrepreneurs who clearly understand their resources make the best use of those resources.

Startup owners are also successful if they are not afraid to test hypotheses, understand the value of advancement, and are not afraid to invest in marketing campaigns and lead-generation events. A successful startup owner often becomes a charismatic figure — someone who is idea-driven and enthusiastic about their business proposition, even if it appears complicated, and this is what Khaled Shehata has done to make ROLZO a leading global tech company.

Born on April 27, 1987, in Montreuil, France, Khaled Shehata is a French entrepreneur based in Dubai. From a very young age, Shehata had the mind of an innovator, which helped him in starting coding on Amstrad CPC 464 when he was only eight. He earned a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from Jean Jaures College and studied at the Paris Diderot University, a private engineering Paris-based school, and a state-approved Graduate School of Digital Technology Engineering, for 2 years via MIAS cursus from where he learned computer engineering and mathematics before integrating Intech Info.

Later on, Shehata and his business partner Tom Ripert founded ROLZO, a global tech, B2B luxury ground transportation company, in 2018. In addition, he served as his company’s chief technology officer. The corporate clients of ROLZO include AMEX, Chanel, Mastercard, AMAN, Tiffany & Co., and Ten Lifestyle Group. ROLZO also works with emerging hospitality companies such as L’Artisien and Le Collectionist.

ROLZO is a leading global tech company of B2B luxury ground transportation which has its operations in 500 cities around the world. ROLZO is used by the world’s leading companies in travel, lifestyle, hospitality, and aviation to manage their clients’ journeys in over 100 countries, 500 cities, and 1,000 airports. ROLZO provides the most exquisite and comfortable journey available for all leisure and professional travels by combining the latest models of high-end cars with highly-skilled chauffeurs.

Shehata is known for discovering security breaches in governmental institutions like NASA. Diversifying the span of his skills, he became an expert in the technical and design development of SEO applications. He also purchased 2.5 million playing cards from Mishra, a leading Belgian and French distributor, and launched an online playing card business to become its distributor. Two years later, he resold the stock to 

Shehata was passionate about working in the field of IT security and used CERT-FR alerts to assist various organizations in resolving security issues. In 2010, he also assisted NASA in repairing the Hubble Space Telescope’s security flaws.

Shehata joined the iPhone developer community in 2008 through the APPLE iPhone Developer Program. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a programmer, partner, and chief technology officer at The CRM Mobile Corp. (TCMC), a French company that specializes in electronic-CRM loyalty programs for global retailers such as Galeries Lafayette, Franprix, Monoprix, Kellogg’s, Celio, Casino, Intermarché, Brico Dépôt, and BNP Paribas. CRM Mobile Corp. was able to raise 6 million Euros with the help of Newfund and three private investors. The company later launched TCMC Black-Box, a fully owned eCRM and loyalty platform. Since 2011, he has been serving as the company’s CEO.

In 2013, he also assisted French government entities such as the DICOD (Délégation à l’information et à la communication de la Défense), OFPRA (Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides), and the French Ministry of Defense in resolving security issues. In 2014, he also resolved the private corporation Euronews’ IT security issue.

Shehata worked as the Head of Technology at Publicis Groupe from 2013 to 2015. Later in 2018, he started working as The Jungle Corp’s Director and Chief Innovation Officer. His continuous drive and passion have shaped the success of ROLZO.

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