Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Muslims are followers of the great messenger Hazrat Muhammad(SWS). Our lord Allah(SWT) sent a whole way of learning collected in a book. We call it the Holy Quran. This book is the constitution for every Muslim regardless of their age, sex, or race.

So learning the Quran is the primary education for Muslims. But this sophisticated knowledge is also empathetic. It would help if you had a well-trained and dedicated alim(teacher) to descent the experience. Otherwise, there are chances of misinterpretation.

There are other issues too. For women, it isn’t easy to roam around in cities without a mahram (guardian).  Time management might not always be possible.

During this global pandemic, schools are also closed. Physical distancing is a must, just like acquiring knowledge is.


Learning Quran online solves all of the problems mentioned above. You can enroll in Quran classes and choose lesson time according to preferences. Like an hour of the days, times of the week, or month. Online courses will help you to manage all the work and give full attention to the lesson in time. 

How To recite Quran Perfectly

Quran is an Arabic Origin book. Ancient Arabic has changed so much since you can’t get the full and Sahih( correct) meaning even by learning the Arabic literary language. To recite the Quran correctly, you need to know the Quran tajweed( punctuation and quotation).  

This is why you need proper Quran classes to enrich your vocabulary and reading style. 

The only recitation is not enough. As you know, the already Quran is a Muslim constitution. You need to follow the sayings in real, regular life. For that, understanding every verse and its deeper meaning is significant. In Quran classes,  trained and experienced alims help you to get through the tough times.

Online Classes Cons 

Interaction is an essential factor in learning, especially when the subject is sensitive and crucial. In classes online, always maintaining the personal touch, tips, and voice notch is not possible.

Sometimes there is a difference in reading style among different madhabs( cast). It may create a contradiction to social beliefs. 

The Quran’s knowledge is a life experience, but this is not according to one’s belief. So before choosing a teacher, you need to be very cautious about their faith.

Online Quran Classes

If you are trying to find trustworthy online Quran classes, Online Quran Tuition is your option. They have 25+ trained alim and Alima( female) to enlighten you about the holy book and lifestyle.

They have different courses for everyone. Learn Basic Quran with Tajweed, Quran Hifz( memorizing), fiqh (explanation), Shariyaah ( Islamic Law), and such.

There’ll is a separate section for females. Female trained teachers will teach them—no violation of Islamic rule of modesty. 

How to Enroll: 

You can get admission with some easy steps. First, visit their page and register with name, age, email address, the course you want to join, and the payment method you’d like. That’s it, and you’re all set to enter the world of serenity and respect. 

Online Quran Tutor is also budget-friendly. They have four plans to help you. So that money doesn’t hinder your prosperity.


Allah (SWT) said the best among men are they who learn the Quran and spread knowledge. Online Quran Tutors are working on a good cause. Rest depends on our will and hard work.

Quran helps you to reform and rebuild to prepare for eternity and judgment day. Proper knowledge of it is essential in this life and afterward also. Be wise, organize, and lead a praiseworthy experience.

By kabir

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