Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
LockdownLockdown Pounds? Here's How to Shake Them Off!

Many of us (if not everyone) are probably aware that there has always been a link between a sedentary lifestyle, high-stress levels, and overeating, especially at the height of the coronavirus era. Some people would eat their worries away, while others would probably overeat out of boredom and much easier access to food. The result? Excessive lockdown pounds! The term “quarantine 15” has been a common running joke in a profoundly unfunny pandemic time, making too much weight gain a serious topic (and not somewhat of a laughable matter). 

Nevertheless, there is no need to panic if you happen to find yourself with quarantine weight gain. Your body is doing a natural thing, but it doesn’t have to stay that way! With lockdown regulations easing gradually these days and summer season just around the corner, you might be wanting to shake those unwanted pounds off and get your beach body back just in time. Here’s how to melt off all the extra pounds you impulsively added while leading a sedentary lifestyle and going through some stressful phases during self-isolation. 

Mindset is the key

Getting yourself in the mood for weight loss can be tricky, especially when it is so much easier to slack off when you have all the time in your hands. Indeed, your mind can make or break your spirit. Negative thoughts will only work against you, so make sure to always put positivity at the centre of everything you try to accomplish. We know you are a little disappointed with yourself for losing control over your weight, but you can always turn that negative energy into more productive action. Follow our tips below to get your mindset ready for positive change in Lockdown. 

  • Write down the list of the reasons why you want to lose some extra weight. This way, you can stay committed to your weight-loss goals and motivated to get started and reach them one by one.
  • Brainstorm a list of healthy habits to incorporate into your daily lifestyle.
  • Think of better ways to control yourself when temptations strike. 
  • Get inspired by successful stories on podcasts or YouTube. However, avoid comparing yourself to others as every ‘body’ is different- meaning what is good for their body may not work the same for yours. After all, this is all about encouragement, not competition.

From couch to carpet

It is no secret that exercise is an essential part of losing weight and maintaining a healthy mind and body. So, instead of curling up on the cosy couch in most of your free time, why don’t you get on the carpet and enjoy a little stretch or some yoga poses? You need to move your muscles to get them working at their optimum Lockdown capacity. There are various types of exercises, and for you to find what’s suitable for your body, it might be beneficial to explore all available options.

Create a healthier eating plan

You’ve already had the best cheat days in the past few months, so it’s reasonable enough that you stick to natural food over junk this time and beyond. A light and nutritious diet plan can go a long way when it comes to losing weight and improving your overall health. Start by focusing on the changes you want to gradually make in your diet: prefer healthy food choices and limit or completely avoid sweets and other instant foods that bring no good to your body. When trying to lose some weight, your body will need more protein, fibre, healthy fats and vitamins. These foods do not only keep you fit but also help boost your immunity during the pandemic.

Stay hydrated

What you drink is just as crucial as what you eat, especially if you’re keeping an eye on your weight. Opt for water instead of soda or sports drinks, as they often contain lots of added sugar, which raises your calorie intake and your risk of gaining extra weight and developing certain conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, to name a few.  

Supplement with CBD

Also known as cannabidiol, CBD is a naturally occurring compound derived from the cannabis plant. This beneficial supplement has been gaining a lot of attention for its potential ability to improve essential aspects of health, including weight loss and stress management

Aside from different CBD extracts like full-spectrum CBD oil, broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate, cannabidiol also comes in different forms of product that range from edibles (such as oils and tinctures, capsules, CBD-infused foods and drinks) to topicals (such as oils, creams, lotions, bath bombs and more) and even vaporisers. You can easily start incorporating CBD oil into your daily lifestyle routine in many different ways to potentially impact your appetite, metabolism and other weight-related body functions due to Lockdown  and its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. You can consume CBD oil sublingually by holding a few drops underneath your tongue for somewhere between 30-60 seconds, allowing its potential nutrients to be absorbed by your body. Some users like to add CBD oil directly to their food and drinks. For instance, you may wish to include it in your usual salad dressing, desserts or smoothies.   

Protect your mental health

Stress and anxiety can greatly contribute to your weight increase. Hence, an essential part of losing weight is following some self-care strategies that may help you manage your stress and develop some coping mechanisms that fit your lifestyle, such as:

  • Expressing your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust; never hesitate to ask for help;
  • Saying “no” to activities you no longer want to do or something that makes you uncomfortable doing;
  • Finding a coping mechanism through healthy activities like journaling, creating art, or reconnecting with loved ones;
  • Creating a self-care routine that aims to replenish your lost energy from the entire workweek, relax your mind and body, and improve both your physical and mental well-being. 

Losing weight amidst the pandemic can be demotivational for many. But, once you’ve set your mind forward with full positivity, then everything else will smoothly fall into place. Introducing the tips outlined above to your mindset, lifestyle, diet, and self-care routine can make a huge difference! Don’t forget that the most important step in losing weight is to celebrate your progress, big or small. After all, going easy on yourself is what really matters most, especially in a world that has been turned upside down. 

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