Wed. Sep 11th, 2024

From remote teams to cloud data storage to cheap pallet delivery services, there are lots of simple strategies out there for small, nascent businesses to take advantage as they seek improved efficiency and reduced spending.

Many small business owners, when purses tighten will look to pull back on spending, and often the first area to get hit is marketing. Yet effective marketing is so crucial – for obvious reasons – that this can prove a fatal decision. Nevertheless, there are ways to develop and  successful marketing campaigns without spending beyond your means.

Here are some highly cost-effective ways of marketing your business:

Piggyback marketing
One of the great reasons to take seriously the forging of partnerships and building of strong relations with other businesses is that companies can save a lot in various areas of spending by being creative and proactive in how they market themselves. Piggyback marketing is when companies that offer complimentary services market each other, such as with their emails, offers and promotions. A boutique accountancy firm might make a habit of recommending specialist consultancy services. A caterer might connect with a florist or photographer. A bed and breakfast might offer the tours or airport pickup of nearby agencies. Creative solutions are all around us and piggyback marketing is a practical, proven way of keeping costs down.

Trade shows
Trade shows represent a fantastic opportunity for businesses to reach out to a wave of new customers or partners in a single weekend or week. Most forms of marketing are ongoing and it can be difficult to manage these or accurately review their degree of success and, therefore, true business value. But trade shows are not only a very direct way of introducing your offering to a targeted audience, but they can also strongly incentivise your team to work towards specific marketing goals.

Local SEO
Search engine marketing is a fantastic way for small businesses to gain a foothold in competitive, well-established markets. When done well, a privately-owned family business might be able to rub shoulders with a household name on the first page of Google, earning it not only trust, but a great deal of visibility, also. That said, some search terms are just too competitive – for example, cheap flights, London hotels, car insurance, online education, are all terms that would be tough for a small business to rank for. Nevertheless, when people conduct a search that is particular to their location, especially from their mobile phone, for a specific kind of shop of service, like ‘butchers near me’ or ‘local bakers’ or ‘Barnet estate agents,’ even the smallest of businesses can suddenly become extremely relevant.

Google recognises that people will want a service that is practical and nearby, so by paying attention to the basics of sound local SEO practices, you can ensure that your business is always mentioned anytime anyone nearby does a Google search for your products or services.

Social media
Finally, the value of your business’s Instagram account might be difficult to value, but you’d be foolish to ignore it. From cupcake makers to legal services providers to painters and decorators, it pays to be active of social media, update regularly with commentary and pictures of your latest work, as you look to connect with and engage new and existing customers and clients.

By admin