Newly-weds Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma meet PM Modi after honeymoon Newly married couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli returned to India from honeymoon. On returning to India, he met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and invited him to come to the party. The Prime Minister also congratulated the marriage on both sides. However, PM Modi will be joining this reception, or at this time nothing has been clarified about this. The couple will now host two receptions, one in New Delhi on December 21, and the other in Mumbai on December 26.The Delhi reception is expected to be a high-profile gala night as the power couple personally invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who in turn congratulated them for their wedding. The pictures were shared by PIB on Twitter. Anushka and Virat opted for a complete traditional look and it looks super classy.