Fri. Jul 26th, 2024


There have always been two sides to a coin. You never see a coin with only one side, and just like coins, humans also contain within themselves two sides: good and bad. It might sound superficial, but that’s because these sides don’t always surface clearly in people. It might just be something as small as skipping a class, but just for that brief period of time, the other side of your persona manages to take hold of you.

For most people, that side manages to stay under the surface for the most part of their lives, and when it comes up, it only stays for brief periods.But some people have different circumstances; maybe their ideology of the world is different, maybe they’ve gotten so used to it that they’ve stopped noticing, but they start to take pleasure in being on this side.

Justice is a common word used for people who have been victims of wrongful acts people completely under influence of their temporary persona. It is a rather strong word used to defend these people and treat those wrong-doers harshly, but most of the time, this justice never gets served whether it be due to the influence of the wrong-doer or just the dishonesty of the person who has been tasked with such an important task. However, many people still believe in providing justice to those who need it, and Pascal Najadi is one of them.

Pascal Najadi, who was born on August 20, 1967, is a former Swiss investment banker, novelist, and film producer, but he is most well-known for being a peace activist across the world. The 2006 movie Grounding, which shed light on the events underlying Swissair’s bankruptcy two decades earlier, was also produced by him. Najadi has a wealth of expertise in investment banking, marketing, and public relations. He is best recognized for his work as a businessman and financial counselor.

Najadi filed a criminal complaint for abuse of office against SP Federal Councilor Alain Berset, the head of the Interior Department. Alain Berset’s comments about the COVID-19 certificate on Swiss television SRF in October 2021 served as the foundation for the case. In the statement, he said, “The certificate can be used to show that you are not contagious.” The accusation was particularly incendiary since a month later, the Swiss electorate needed to determine whether to renew the COVID certificate requirement. “As Minister of Health, Berset either lied or at least acted with gross negligence,” said Najadi to the “fog splitter.”

In his case, Najadi asked that the Interior Minister, who is in charge of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), be prosecuted for negligence. He thought Berset’s assertion went against what was known at the time.Najadi said, “The fact that vaccinated people who fell ill at the time should not be contagious, but unvaccinated patients should be: we already knew that that wasn’t true.”

Najadi provided evidence supporting this claim in the form of a statement given by Virginie Masserey, the BAG section’s former chief of infection control and immunization control, saying, “COVID-19 vaccinated people can spread the Coronavirus just as often as unvaccinated people.” He knew that abuse of office could result in up to five years in prison.

Virginie Masserey of the BAG made her claim on August 3, 2021, three months before Berset erroneously claimed on national television on October 27, 2021, that the vaccination certificate shows that vaccine recipients are not infectious.”Masserey carried out what the federal task force discovered,” Pascal Najadi emphasized. “So Berset told a lie on TV a few weeks before the election, and this is also being investigated in Switzerland,” Najadi continued. Because of this, the Federal Council acted with gross laxity.

He noted how the COVID certificate’s declaration by Alain Berset had led to the creation of a two-tier society. Additionally, this kind of split is prohibited under the constitution. Najadi reported, “Accountability must also apply to federal councilors, not just private individuals.”

Najadi asked the federal prosecutor’s office to look into Berset for abuse of office in his complaint. He stated, “In our country, the people are sovereign. The government works for him and must be accountable to him as I will not give up. There are no more excuses now.”

Hussain Najadi, the Chairman and CEO of the AIAK Group situated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was shot and killed in broad daylight in the heart of the Malaysian metropolis in 2013, dealing Najadi himself a severe blow. Since that time, Najadi has dedicated his life to learning the truth about this unlawful execution. Najadi’s family was outraged with the lack of background research into the case and brought their case to the United Nations in order to seek justice.


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