Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
7 Simple Tips to Make Your CV Stand Out

Seven seconds are what average recruiters spend on going through a CV before they make their decision as to whether to hire the candidate or not. So, unless your CV is highly impressive, there are fewer chances of you achieving success. 

You can get a professional resume writer to get your IT consultant CV ready. But if you want to do it all by yourself, here are a few things you need to do, to make your CV stand out from the crowd:

Include a summary

A summary of your key accomplishments and skills is something that will instantly grab the attention of the recruiter. Ideally your CV should start with your personal profile so that the recruiter knows who you exactly are.

Focus on past results rather than responsibilities

Everyone writes about the responsibilities they carried out in their previous job, in their CV. They hardly concentrate on their achievements. This is why you should emphasize your results more than you elucidate your past responsibilities. Always make use of quantifiable data while highlighting your accomplishments.

Customize your Resume as per the job you want

It makes perfect sense to customize your CV depending on what job you are applying for. Tweaking your resume is all about telling your potential employers why you are right for this job. It will help them understand the role that you can play in the company, if hired. If you are applying for too many jobs, you might have to take some time writing your CV. However, all your efforts will be worthwhile when you actually find that perfect position.

Highlight changes and growth

Your personal development should be the focal point on your CV. You should show how you grew, developed, and achieved. These details highlight your learnings from your past positions and showcase your commitment to learning.

Demonstrate that you are connected 

You might have met a lot of people while studying or working in your previous roles. If yes, then connect with these and demonstrate on your resume how well-connected you are. This will highlight your communication skills, which are greatly valued by today’s employers.

Showcase your industry knowledge

You need to do some research on the industry you are applying for, before going for the interview. Your resume is the space that will showcase your inclination towards staying on top of trends. Try demonstrating your industry knowledge to increase your chances of hiring. Also make sure you are aware of the latest changes in the industry.

Use power words

Use power words such as innovative, adaptable, achieved, and implemented to give your CV that extra impact. Do this while describing each of your roles in your previous work experience. Go through the job description in detail to find out what your recruiter may be looking for.

Creating an ideal CV is no joke. In fact, it can consume a lot of your time. However, this is one thing that lets you show off your accomplishments and skills. Study the industry in detail and make sure you build your CV alongside the job description. These tips should help you go a long way towards getting a powerful resume.

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