Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
sleep disorder

Sleep disorders in people with Parkinson’s have different causes. In various studies and surveys, those affected expressed the following reasons for their sleep disorders:

Frequent nocturnal urination

Immobility in bed, difficult turning

Cramps in the legs

Nightmares, vivid dreams

Dystonia (misstances, e.B. skew neck), hyperkinesis (involuntary, excessive movements of individual parts of the body)

Leg Movements, Restless Legs Syndrome

Nocturnal Tremor


In addition, there are depression-related insomnia. These can be difficulty falling asleep or falling asleep or awakening prematurely. Affected people often lie awake and ponder for hours.

Parkinson’s sufferers often also suffer from the so-called REM sleep disorder. Normally, the muscles are relaxed during sleep. In the REM phase, the muscles tighten again. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement. Actions such as kicking, speaking, screaming or beating can occur during this sleep phase. buy Zopiclone Online Overnight A large proportion of Parkinson’s sufferers suffer from this sleep disorder. Often, this nocturnal restlessness exists even before the manifestation of other Parkinson’s symptoms.

Discuss sleep disorders with the treating neurologist!

Good, adequate and restful sleep contributes significantly to the overall well-being. Sleep disorders are side effects of Parkinson’s disease, which strongly affect the overall condition of the person affected even during the day. People who cannot sleep well at night often feel “like slain” during the day. Performance decreases, the cardinal symptoms of the disease intensify, second sleep phases a day set in. Do not accept poor sleep as a “normal phenomenon” of age and disease. Be sure to talk to your doctor about this.

The more concrete information you can provide to the doctor, the better it will be possible to help the patient. Keep a kind of “sleep diary” in advance of the doctor’s appointment.

The following points should be observed for a few days:

  • When did the patient go to bed? Did he sleep during the day (lunch sleep, nod…)?
  • When was dinner eaten? What was there (light, small meal, hot main meal…)?
  • Which drinks were taken in the evening (water, tea, coffee, cola, alcohol…)?
  • How much did the person move during the day, was there an evening walk…?
  • What were the pre-bedtime activities?
  • What is the mood, are there any indications of depression?
  • When were the last Parkinson’s drugs taken in the evening?
  • How long are the sleep phases, after how many hours is the first awakening?
  • Why did the person wake up (urinary urge, tremors, movement disorders…), could he fall asleep again?
  • If you compile this information, you will probably notice a few points when people are sleeping particularly well or badly. These should be taken into account in the daily routine in order to improve the night’s sleep.

What treatment options and aids are available for sleep disorders?

Medications: Frequently, nocturnal sleep difficulties are related to the drug level of Parkinson’s drugs. At night, the blood level of the drugs decreases, it can be the expression of various symptoms.

The treating neurologist will take the appropriate necessary measures. This could include adjusting dosage or intake time, switching to delayed drugs (retard drugs) or providing a soluble demand medication. Discuss the symptoms of sleep problems in detail with your doctor. Detailed descriptions from the sleep diary are helpful.

Sleep medications and the last Parkinson’s medications should be taken in bed, right before sleep.

Bed and bed linen: If possible, Parkinson’s patients should sleep on a firm to hard mattress.

This makes it easier to turn around in bed. A mattress that is too soft, sinking into the sleeping person, makes it difficult to change the sleeping position. A light duvet and a smooth sheet, for example made of silk, facilitate movements in the bed. Bed linen made of natural materials ensures a good sleeping climate. Although microfiber is usually light and smooth, many people sweat heavily in this bed linen.

An electrically adjustable bed makes it easier to get up and transfer independently. If there is a care level, the nursing care fund provides you with a nursing bed. There should definitely be a bed hanger (“gallows”) as a straightening aid at the bed.

Nocturnal urination: A urine bottle for men provides relief at night, as it is not necessary to get up every time. For women or men who are not able to cope with the application of the urine bottle, even absorbent incontinence templates can be an alternative. It often costs those affected to overdo it to urite consciously into a template. However, if this can avoid the tedious getting up to the night toilet, this is accepted in most cases as a helpful option. Get advice on suitable products at the medical centre. There are templates with a capacity of up to 2500 ml.

Parkinson’s-related bladder disorders should be clarified by the urologist. Often, drug therapy also helps.

Sleep-promoting environment: Ensure pleasant lighting. If a light is lit, it should be dimmed down and not fall into the eyes. Many people help quietly, relaxing music to fall asleep.

If you are still watching TV in bed, it should definitely be switched off after falling asleep. For this purpose, you can use a timer. Some TVs also have a sleep timer that turns the device off after a predetermined time.

Depression: Many people with Parkinson’s disease suffer from depression. These can cause sleep disturbances. Treatment of depression contributes to better sleep.Good, restful sleep is an important building block for maintaining and improving the quality of life. Only those who sleep well can gain enough strength for strenuous days – this applies to those affected as well as to relatives. A good, relaxed night gives resilience and courage to cope with Parkinson’s symptoms and the associated stresses for both those affected and the people who accompany and support them.

By Peter Smith

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