Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe; bordered by Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Ukraine is populated with 42 million people. But that region becomes unstable sometimes in recent years, and revolutions and war occur often. These revolutions harm family and children. But you can help them to grow up nicely with your donations. There is a lot of orphanage and institutions or social services who are working very hard for them.

What happened in Ukraine, and what is the cause of miseries for children?

In 2014, the whole country faced two revolutions- Euromaidan and civil unrest. These conflicts have risen the rate of poverty and unemployment. Price of everything has increased, and it has become miserable to lead live. Many families have found it hard to live. On the other hand, many life has been caught up in conflicts. The health care system is in a difficult situation in Ukraine. The average age of people in Ukraine is below 70 years. Different types of these problems are taking the lives of many people, and the children are struggling for care. Now there are almost seven-eight million children in Ukraine. They are being placed in large orphanage institutions, but they aren’t meeting their needs. According to a report of the UN, non-government areas of Ukraine have been affected by recent conflicts, and it has also damaged the lives of 580,000 children in many ways. They are in lacking parental care, education now. 

What is the condition of the orphans in Ukraine?

Almost 100,000 children are living in different orphanages in Ukraine. Their family abandons most of these orphans due to poverty. Many are out of parental care because of inadequate medical health, alcoholism, abuse, illness, crime etc. But many orphanages aren’t taking care of them appropriately. Often they are being abused and humiliated. On average one disable orphan is dying in every three months because of the lack of medical support. 60% of Ukrainian orphan involve in crime and prostitution before reaching the age of eighteen. Many children commit suicide after period 16. 

What can you do for these orphan children?

In so many ways, you can change the life of a child. 

  1. Prayer: Your prayer to God can help the children form misery. You can start to support these orphans immediately. Prayer is effective and spiritually powerful. There are other options to help, but your prayer for them is above all. If you can’t help in different ways, then help them with your blessing.
  2. Be a Sponsor: Your financial contribution can directly impact on those children. Many charities are working in Ukraine, and you can donate money through them. If you want to help those orphans, you have to donate through these charities. One of the best and trustable charity is hope now. They are the USA based Christian charity, and they help the orphan community in Ukraine. Project is based around orphans their family and community. Providing food, clothing, medical care, education, and shelter are the primary target. Sponsorship continues for an orphan until the end of 9th. Then they are encouraged to stand on their feet. But now the project is being expanded. Youth empowerment is coming into the project. But to continue these reasonable efforts, you have to go forward with some help. 
  3. Publish the word: You can also spread the news of helping orphans in social media or offline media. Hosting fundraising party, and promote in social media can encourage others in donating in this holy purpose.

You can pick the way you want to help and those childrens will be grateful to you forever.

By kabir

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