Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Dietitian for Diabetes <![CDATA[]]>


The percentage of people who have diabetes is increasing every year. While there are many causes of diabetes, each cause gives birth to a different type of diabetes. It has long-term effects on the body and if not taken care of cause irreversible harms and impairments.

What is diabetes caused?

Pancreas, the organ found in the upper left part of the abdomen and behind the stomach, produces an essential hormone called insulin. The primary role of insulin is to control the glucose levels of the body. Pancreas release insulin to reach different parts of the body. Glucose is the main source of energy used by the cells. Insulin allows the cells to take up glucose to function properly. In the absence of insulin, cells start malfunctioning as they are unable to use glucose as the fuel. This glucose cannot be used to provide energy as they cannot be used by the cells. Therefore, these extra glucose gets converted and stored as fat in the body. This results in a disease called as diabetes. In short, diabetes is the inability to efficiently produce insulin, resulting in high glucose (sugar) level and abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates.

Types of diabetes –

There are many types of diabetes, each arising due to a different cause as follows:

Type 1- The pancreas produces little to no insulin.

Type 2- The most widely known diabetes, this occurs in the later stages in one’s life. Hence, it is also known as adult-onset diabetes.

Prediabetes- When the sugar level is high higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered as diabetes.

Gestational diabetes- Affects pregnant women and occurs amid pregnancy.

How to deal with diabetes?

There are many medications available to keep diabetes in control. But a proper diet and a healthy diet goes a long way to lead a normal life. There are many foods which are unhealthy for diabetes and many which need to be included in a diabetic’s diet. While many choose to tackle it by themselves by asking their friends and researching from the internet on which food to avoid, it is advisable to get professional help for doing so. One way of seeking professional help is by consulting a nutritionist or a dietitian for diabetes management.

How can professional consultation help?

A dietician or a nutritionist is an expert in the field of nutrition, thus having the best knowledge on how to cater to the body’s need in terms of nutrition and lifestyle. Medication alone cannot help people with diabetes lead a normal life if not combined with healthy a diet. An unhealthy diet can worsen the situation and lead to severe complications such as stroke, heart attack, kidney problems, damages to the blood vessels, problems with nerves, eyes, and feet. To avoid such situation, it is crucial to keep your sugar level in check by following an appropriate diet.

Advantages of seeking professional help

A dietician or a nutritionist in Delhi offers professional guidance by keeping factors such as mediations and nutrition in mind. They then come up with an eating routine which will hold the sugar level in limits while also meeting your nutritional demands at the same time. You will be called now and then to report your progress, and they make changes to the diet plan accordingly to help your body in the long run.

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