Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

While the goal of digital marketing is very much clear to all of us, which is driving organic traffic to a website to drive sales or promote advocacy, there are several ways to meet that goal. These strategies are noticeably very distinct from each other. That is because each of these strategies seeks to address a certain aspect of digital marketing to drive the campaign to fruition. When talking about these strategies, two terms are often mentioned: onsite and offsite. Business owners who wish to extend their operations online must understand these two categories by heart. Having a full grasp of these two will lead you to understand digital marketing better. Today, we will share with you everything you should know about these two strategies.

What is Onsite Digital Marketing?

From the term itself, onsite digital marketing is composed of the strategies that are done within the website. Most ecommerce website owners seek the help of a digital marketing company to improve their websites and make them SEO friendly as well as user friendly.

Onsite is critical in conducting online campaigns since your website is supposed to be your virtual store. Your product page is your gondolas and racks. Thus, it shall be organized in such a way that online buyers can easily find what they are looking for. 

Your contact page is your counter and customer service desk at the same time. Hence, it should contain all your updated contact information so your page visitors will be able to reach out to you for orders and enquiries. 

Your homepage is your storefront, it bares your brand, logo and your shop’s identity. In the same manner, it can also contain some previews about the products you are selling and the current promos if possible so online shoppers will be encouraged to navigate your website. 

A good digital marketing agency plans out these pages thoroughly to ensure a good user experience. However, onsite strategies do not end there. Below are the forms of onsite strategies:

Website Design

As mentioned above, website design is as important as designing your physical store, maybe even more. It is crucial to prioritize website design for a better UX as well as for a better page speed. A cluttered website will not only look uninviting to your users, but it can also cause your page to load slowly. That is the reason why consulting an experienced digital marketing company is important.

Metadata Optimization

When you search the internet using search engines, the list of results shows you at least three pieces of information per result. One is the URL and page navigation. Below it, posted as clickable text, is the meta title. Below the meta title is a short description of the page which is called the meta description. Sometimes, the author and publication date are also cited. Meta title and meta description make up what is called metadata. Top digital marketing agencies are giving priority to optimizing these pieces of information to be search engine friendly as well as user friendly.

Content Optimization

Content is probably the most important part of the onsite strategy. Like the first two on this list, content must also be crafted so that it will be SEO friendly and attractive for the users. Creating SEO friendly content is among the digital marketing services being offered by agencies in Singapore.

All these three comprise the onsite strategy. Most of the time, a digital marketing company will prioritize these areas before the offsite and understanding the offsite scheme will let you know why that is often the case.

What is Offsite Digital Marketing?

 1: What is offsite optimisation in digital marketing?

Offsite digital marketing makes use of the outside resources to bring organic traffic into an ecommerce site. A digital marketing company may put this strategy in place after the onsite when implementing the two simultaneously is not feasible. Why? It is because offsite strategies often act as bait. When you invite online users to your website using offsite strategies, wouldn’t you like for them to land on an already user-friendly site? However, as much as this may come second, the power of offsite activities to improve your campaign will surprise you. Here are the most common offsite digital marketing services:

Link Building

Link-building comes into three forms and one among those three can almost be considered bait if not a town crier, it is called a backlink. A backlink is a strategy wherein a digital marketing agency seeds the links or URLs of a website to content from other sites to direct the user to the desired site. For instance, an ecommerce website selling pharmaceuticals may get its links posted on a hospital’s website through source citation. Thus, when the user needs that certain product that the pharmaceutical company is selling, he will just need to click on the link and he will be redirected to the exact page where that product is posted. 

Email Marketing

Remember the time when you get your monthly magazine subscription in your mail? That method is now electronic, the fun thing is that it is often free! Email marketing is a form of digital marketing service wherein digital brochures and press releases are being sent to subscribers via email. This is a good way of informing your customers about your promos and featured products or services.

Social media marketing

Social media might be the most saturated site on the internet and when there’s a crowd, there are prospective customers. This is why social media marketing works. You post an ad on Facebook or Instagram and let billions of people notice your brand.

Pay per click

Have you ever noticed that the first entry on Google search results is often marked as “Ads”? In digital marketing, it is called “pay per click”. Ecommerce website owners pay to have their pages discovered online where many users can see them. 

The Takeaway

These two aspects of digital marketing both play a vital role in your journey towards a healthy ecommerce website. Now that you have learned about them and the services under each aspect, the next thing you need to do is to find yourself a reliable and award-winning digital marketing agency, to help you out in your online marketing campaigns.

Looking for a digital marketing company that can help you with both onsite and offsite strategies? OOm Singapore offers various digital marketing services to help ecommerce websites improve their rankings on search engines as well as drive traffic to their websites. 

For questions and enquiries, you may visit OOm Singapore’s website or contact them +669-04049.

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