Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

It took me many years of practice to select the right equipment for hiking .

Like many, I first left with what I had. It’s true! The hike is so accessible that it is easy to put on a pair of sneakers and go on an adventure in the heart of nature!

However, the more you hike, during the day and especially over several days, and over the kilometers, you realize (age also, it’s true) that having the right equipment gives a whole new dimension to its hikes.

So, I decided to share with you my experience and particularly the equipment I use depending on the type of hike (day or itinerant) and my little hiker tips. This is my vision today and this article will certainly evolve based on my next experiences and technological developments.

Equipment required for hiking: objective of lightness

The necessary equipment for hiking is above all and above all ” objective lightness”.

The more I walk, the more I realize how important it is to have as little weight on my back as possible. Less weight means less effort and even on difficult hikes, the assurance of having a better time contemplating the landscape and not your feet.

Hiking equipment has benefited greatly from technological developments and it is now very easy to find efficient and light equipment. Sometimes it is necessary to pay the price; and at the same time, retailers and brands are increasingly offering accessible equipment.

If we think that 80% of the weight of your adventure bags will generally be carried by 20% of your equipment, here is the necessary hiking equipment on which you will have to take a close look:

  • Your backpack : often more than 2kg on its own.
  • Your hygiene products : reduce them to the essentials.
  • Your clothes : by favoring technical clothes, we reduce the need and the weight.

Autonomy :

Aim for an individual tent close to the kilo and a “couple” tent under 2kg (divisible into 2 elements is a plus to share the weight).

  • The duvet can quickly take up space and weight.
  • Find out about the weather, take the appropriate sleeping bag and complete it with a “meat bag” and a survival blanket.
  • Watch the weight of meals and cutlery. Take only what is strictly necessary.
  • For food, favor freeze-dried and dried products.

Equipment needed for hiking: checklist

The idea of ​​the table below: to give you a complete list of the necessary equipment for day hikes , itinerant with accommodation and independent hiking. This is the material I use; do not hesitate to share your little tips with me and if you think there is something missing in the comments.


Equipment Day Hike Itinerant hike
Backpack 20l Bag 40l Bag
Footwear Sneakers or low hiking Shoes Medium or Hiking Shoes
Bottle 1 bottle 2 Bottles
T-Shirt 100% Cotton shirts Cotton or Merino Wool
Coat Depending on the Season Depending on the season
Rain cape See Today’s weather See today’s weather
Trousers 1 or 2 depending on number of days 1 or 2 depending on number of days
Socks Hiking or Sports Hiking or Sports
Camera Yes Yes


Additional information on the necessary equipment for hiking:

Additional details on the checklist

The backpack

(1) For a day hike , a small bag is sufficient. For my part, I use a 20 liter camera bag.

For itinerant hikes , with accommodation or independently, choosing the right bag is important. For years, I am using needtounplug backpacks. 

You can also get needtounplug backpacks from amazon as they also sell there. 

There are a lot of other brands offering backpacks but they are not good. 

The big difference: the weight! And that changes everything. When it comes to size, the bigger you are, the more you tend to fill it, take unnecessary things and take on unnecessary weight. 

Good hiking shoes

(2) Good hiking boots change everything. More light bulbs, comfort and a good grip, for itinerant hiking, this becomes essential.

Personally,  I am Salomon: light, efficient, slippers, low or high, they make me happy.

My personal tips

I like to have a cushion when I sleep in a tent; it is much more comfortable. So, I always have a fabric bag that closes by pulling with a string. In the evening, I slip my fleece in there, a cushion.

I always have some plastic bags in my backpack:

  • I use it to separate my dirty laundry (and smelly after a good day’s walk) from the rest of my clothes
  • I reserve one for my towel which sometimes remains a little damp.
  • A bag is dedicated to non-freeze-dried food that can be recovered on the way (a small sausage and bread do not hurt)
  • A bag to protect my identity papers and all my electronics (battery charger, battery, SD cards, cables, etc.)
  • In extreme cold or very humid climates, it can keep your camera, clothes etc. dry.

By Meets Patel

Meets Patel is a well-know business and tech advisor with the abilities to keep a track and predict the market trends with the utmost accuracy.

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