Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Healthy hair in the head is mostly associated with youthfulness and being sexy. Many things may influence hair color, but hair loss may be caused by old age and medications for treating cancer. Hair loss may lead to low self-esteem, especially in adolescents .one may treat hair loss by taking medications that promote hair growth, using over-the-counter products like hair loss shampoo, performing a hair transplant surgery, etc. Most people battling hair loss tend to wear hats to hide the hair loss. While that may offer a temporary solution, finding a long-lasting solution is better. Laser cap Austin has found the answer to all hair loss problems. In this article, we learn more about the use of laser caps Austin.

Common causes of hair loss

As earlier said, there are very many reasons leading to hair loss. Hair loss is more common in men than women though women lose a lot of hair during the breastfeeding stage and when they attain menopause time. For men, the leading cause is male pattern baldness, which mostly affects genetically predisposed men. The other possible causes are stress, bad diet, weather conditions, vitamin deficiency, age, gender, family history, and continued use of certain medications.

Benefits of laser therapy

The treatment using laser therapy is completely painless with little or no discomfort during and after the procedure.

·         Laser caps are affordable.

·         It promotes faster and even growth of hair

·         Laser therapy prevents further hair loss

·         The method is safe and highly effective

·         The laser therapy does not leave scars or marks on the skin

The only cons with laser cap therapy are that it is time-consuming

 Other Services offered alongside laser caps

Hair restoration Surgical

This method involves hair transplant surgery where the hair follicles are harvested from other parts and transplanted in the bald areas. The main parts which are likely to have hair loss are the crown and hairline.

Laser caps

These special caps resemble the baseball cap worn on the head to stimulate hair growth. The laser caps use the idea of exposing the hair follicles to low-level laser light to promote hair growth. Other devices that use the same principle are bands, combs, and helmets. There has been a myth that continued use of a laser cap can cause cancer, but this myth is misleading after extensive research. The few side effects that have been reported are headaches and skin irritation, but they go away with time.

How long does the laser cap take to work?

After continuous use of a laser hat, it is believed to start effective after three months. However, the client must continue wearing the cap for the time advised for even hair growth and to have better results.

There is hope for anybody struggling with hair loss. The use of laser caps has proven beyond doubt to restore lost hairs greatly. The process is, however, gradual and requires patience and time. Eating a healthy diet greatly assists in the speedy growth of new hair follicles. To get specialized treatment visit the experts in the Texas hair restoration center for a client-centered service.

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