Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Coaching Apps

Are you ready to level up your coaching organization? Professional, successful life coaching businesses require both a framework for serving clients and a system delivering concrete results.

Life coaching tools are important. Indeed, a life coach without a toolbox is like a carpenter with no tools. (You can’t build anything.) But knowing how to use an array of high-quality tools does not guarantee you will have success in your business!

If you want to take your coaching practice and clients to the next level, you need more than just great tools—you need a set of systems that work for your business and produce measurable results. It’s time to create empowering processes that support growth and development in every area of your life coaching organization. Systems ensure consistency and drive results on autopilot while you strategize about bigger picture issues with clients.

The Life Coaching Blueprint will help you simplify coaching systems, get you more organized, and help you attract the right clients.

Life coaching is as much about business operations as it is about assisting people to grow and live their best lives. The secret to success for most businesses is not just in the products or services but in having the right tools and processes in place for growth and expansion. That’s what separates average life coaches from leaders that create a steady flow of referrals and leads into their businesses.

People are attracted to those who have mastered something, rather than those who are just beginning. You want your coaching practice—and yourself – to be viewed as an authority on coaching. By creating systems for your business, you will increase your credibility with potential clients while streamlining your own practice.

Back to the life coaching blueprint. So much of the coaching industry is built on either the word “easy” or “fast.” Life coaches claim they can dissolve your limiting beliefs, change your life in three days and make you a millionaire by next Thursday.

The truth is that it takes time to develop new habits. Some people need more than others, but I’ve never had a client who hasn’t struggled at some point with behavior modification. Developing an effective system for managing your coaching clients is not about creating quick fixes or even short term solutions. It’s about developing sustainable systems for growth over time .

I’ve been running my own practice since 2006 and during that time have worked with hundreds of individuals and dozens of groups doing coaching work both online and offline – everything from 1-on-1 coaching to running large scale seminars.

I’ve had clients with a wide range of goals and needs, but in all cases they have something in common. Our coaching work has been slow going (and sometimes even painfully so).

I am not the first to come to this conclusion and there are many well known coaches who will tell you that growth takes time . The problem is that people have such short attention spans these days. They want to see fast results or they become disillusioned before things get started. And yet if we can only be patient , we’ll find ourselves on much surer footing. You might think about it as an investment. The earlier you invest, the greater your returns later down the road.

The good thing is that there are ways to accelerate the process once you’ve got the right coaching tools and applications in place. But you’ve got to know what has the greatest potential for boosting your along the way. If you’re just getting started, here five of the best coaching tools that should help you get there faster:


Quenza is a coaching app that makes video coaching easy and helps coaches monitor their clients’ progress as activities are added to the platform. With this app, your clients can access student-specific videos that you’ve created in advance, or they can record activities on their mobile devices for you to review later and make suggestions based on what was captured.

This is a great way to adapt your coaching style to fit each individual’s needs while giving them easy access to your guidance when it’s needed most throughout therapy sessions, especially if video reviews add more value than one-on-one appointments do.

The results are measurable, too. In a study conducted by a university researcher for the Department of Education (funded by a team at MIT), the Quenza application demonstrated effectiveness in increasing client engagement. is another app that embraces the idea of providing technology to empower coaches. also takes a unique approach in that it offers live video streaming, e-mail and text messaging services as well as online coaching opportunities with access to tools such as financial calculators, fitness regimes, goal setting tools and business plan guides.


Coachaccountable is a coaching app that enables you to have a conversation with a coach in real time. It’s like having someone in your pocket with the answers to all of your questions. This alone is game-changing for anyone who coaches or consults other people, because it allows you to cut out so much needless handholding that can often slow down progress. But Coachaccountable also has features which make it easier than ever to manage your coaching system, find new clients and measure the results you’re getting from each client.


Nudgecoach is an app that makes coaching feel effortless. Nudgecoach combines the best of our favorite tools to create a simple, powerful experience that maximises client engagement in your coaching practice. It is easy to use and creates an exciting way for clients to access their own support through self-paced exercises, videos and journaling workflows. The app also allows you to easily connect with clients, schedule sessions and keep track of notes as you go along — effectively streamlining all the administration side of running your practice so you can focus on what really matters: making great connections with people who need your support!


If you want to level up your coaching practice and really get the most out of your time with clients, then I recommend you check out these coaching apps. They’re packed full of ideas, tools and activities that will help you support people in a way that feels natural to you as a coach.

“Beyond the potential to enhance coaching by creating an amazing client experience, there’s something magical about having highly engaging online content at your fingertips.” – Kelly Stull






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