Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
TV Packages That are Worth Investing in 2022

Cable TV has been a major source of public entertainment ever since it was conceived back in the 1950s. Many people believe that it was the first and only visual entertainment medium, which gave birth to this whole entertainment industry, and this is why it has such a huge fan following. This argument is quite untrue, to say the least, as a visual form of entertainment was present as early as the 1930s in the shape of silent cinemas. The movie business was already a thriving industry even before World War 2. 

The ability of TV to come as a newcomer in such a saturated market and make a place for its own is a huge feat in itself. There is no question about it that cable TV has enjoyed an undefeated streak of entertaining consumers without any significant competition for about half a century. It is only in the recent past, specifically a decade ago, that there have been competitors like over-the-internet streaming platforms appearing left, right, and center.

Even when the visual entertainment industry is becoming quite cutthroat with new entrants coming into the market every day and giants like Amazon and Disney launching their own streaming options, cable TV is a service that is still holding its ground pretty strongly. Though there has been a consistent decline in TV viewership since 2011 and this decline is growing consistently with each passing year, still there are avid fans of cable TV that are dearly holding on to cable subscriptions. If you are a fan of cable TV as well, Spectrum packages for cable might excite you, as they provide great content with a strong value for money. Although things look bleak, cable TV is well ahead in the game, and there are quite substantial reasons like different packages and bundles from providers that may convince users to still go with cable TV.

TV in the Current Era

As discussed earlier, TV viewing has been on a consistent decline for the past few years. However, something unimaginable happened back in 2020 when there was an unexpected surge in the number of TV viewers. Observing closely, it was evident that this occurred because of the pandemic. The pandemic stopped the normal flow of life as we know it and there were lockdowns in place that forced whole families to be restricted to their houses only. This breathed a new life in cable as people started watching TV again as it was the most immediate resource to kill boredom, which was available in a majority of households. 

Although this increase in usage was temporary, still it reminded people of the great content that cable TV has to offer and that too for all age groups, making it the perfect medium for a complete family viewing experience. Apart from that, service providers also launched special deals and bundles in a bid to attract users who were looking to get other services like the internet to bundle it with cable for additional discounts.

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Top Cable Packages to Invest in Today

We are at the start of a new year and things are looking much better in terms of the world’s infrastructure, as we see life is coming back on track slowly but surely. These past couple of years have given us a lot of important lessons regarding savings, cost-cutting, and how to survive in difficult health and financial conditions. That’s why people are now more aware of places they spend their hard-earned money on. In situations like these, there may be a fraction of buyers who think that investing in cable connections might not seem like a wise decision. But, to clear these perceptions, we have written this piece so that we can shed light on some amazing cable packages that can give a healthy dose of entertainment for your whole family at a very nominal cost.

Spectrum TV Select  

Spectrum is a well-known brand, considering it is the second-largest cable provider in the United States according to coverage. However, Spectrum is on this list not because of its market share but because of its TV packages, especially the TV select package. It offers great value for money. Users get more than 125 channels with free HD support along with a free Spectrum TV app to watch live programming on the go. All this packed with a great channel lineup, an incredible cost, no terms or commitment, and a 30-day money-back guarantee make this package a must-have in 2022.

Cox Contour Preferred 

In second place comes Cox Communications, which is the third-largest cable provider in the country with 2.9 million subscribers, and this is a testament to the quality of cable services it provides to its customers. Cox also has different flexible packages, designed according to the needs of different users, but the most balanced one is the Contour Preferred package with 140 plus HD channels. Apart from the channel line-up, Cox also provides different perks and privileges to its consumers. For example, subscribers get free access to HBO Max, the contour streaming app, and a free HD box. A huge consumer backing and lots of free stuff make this package a viable investment in 2022.

RCN Signature TV

The most expensive and logically the best option out of the lot comes in the shape of RCN’s Signature TV. This package has more than 280 channels and pretty much includes all the premium channels for hard-core movie buffs. Considering it’s coming from RCN gives viewers an additional sense of peace because despite being a small provider available in only 5 states, it still proves to be a better option than giants of the industry due to unmatched customer support and quality of service. This package is a gift for cable lovers. It will not only suffice their entertainment needs but will also give much more in terms of the whole family viewing experience. 

Summing Up

Many think that cable TV is a dying industry and they may be right to a certain extent, but given the huge following cable TV has garnered over a span of 50 years, it’s not going to fade away into the dark that easily. Many are still hooked to cable subscriptions and for people like those, we have created this list so that they can choose a better package or deal to satisfy their TV cravings at the start of this new year.



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