Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

There is no way to predict with certainty whether you will acquire soft tissue sarcoma. Most persons with this kind of cancer have no recognized risk factors. During your cancer screening at Arizona Center for Cancer Care, your oncologists will examine your unique concerns to ensure you receive the most accurate diagnosis. If you have sarcoma, your expert team will work with you to determine the most appropriate treatment option. Meanwhile, continue reading to discover some common risk factors for sarcoma Peoria that you should watch out for.

1.     Past Radiation Exposure

Patients undergoing high-dose radiation treatment for other cancers, like cervical or breast cancer, have a marginally greater risk of getting soft tissue sarcoma. However, contrary to common belief, routine CTs, X-rays, or other diagnostic testing does not increase sarcoma risk.

2.     Chemical Exposure

Dioxin and vinyl chloride exposure could increase the likelihood of soft tissue sarcomas. Vinyl chloride is generally employed in producing PVC pipes, plastic cookware, wire coatings, and automobile upholstery.

Dioxins are a class of compounds produced by industrial and domestic waste combustion. Agent Orange, a herbicide utilized throughout the Vietnam War to eliminate the ground cover, is a prominent kind of dioxin. Numerous veterans that served during this time have been identified with sarcoma, so while it is not extensively proven, increased exposure to such chemicals could heighten your risk.

3.     Age

The incidence of soft tissue sarcomas rises with age: these tumors form primarily in adults around 50 years. However, sarcoma can develop at any age. In fact, roughly 10% of patients are adolescents and kids. Moreover, specific forms of sarcoma are more common in certain age ranges.

4.     Family History

If somebody in your household has certain conditions, you could be more at risk for getting soft tissue sarcoma. Illnesses to watch out for include Neurofibromatosis, Retinoblastoma, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Werner syndrome, and more.

If you have several relatives who have suffered from sarcoma or other malignancies at a tender age, it is likely you might have acquired a faulty gene. Therefore, talk to your physician about genetic testing to discover if you are at heightened risk for getting sarcoma.

5.     Lymphedema

Lymphedema patients are more susceptible to developing sarcomas in the affected areas. A lymphedema is a form of inflammation resulting from radiation therapy or surgery meant to eliminate lymph nodes. Sometimes, though, lymphedema is congenital.

6.     Other conditions

Persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may acquire Kaposi sarcoma, which develops in cells lining lymph vessels or blood vessels. This soft tissue sarcoma is dealt with separately from more common forms. Other immune system illnesses like psoriasis, lupus, or malignancies like chronic lymphocytic leukemia could also raise the likelihood of sarcoma.

Risk factors are virtually anything that raises the likelihood that a person will get cancer. Though many risk factors impact the onset of cancer, few directly cause the disease. Some individuals with many risk factors do not acquire cancer, whereas others with no identified risk factors do. A professional diagnosis from the oncologists at Arizona Center for Cancer Care is the only way to determine for sure if you have sarcoma. Schedule an initial consultation today through mobile or book online to discuss your concerns.

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