Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
What are the different types Of Photography

Photography is a general activity among all people, however, the practitioners who work in this field have split their research into many types.

As time progresses, different fashions arise and often contribute to certain forms of imagery, for example, portraits that are a clear self-portrait, in the foreground. The budding photographers should try to understand portrait vs landscape in depth. Apart from this, there is brisbane nude photography where street degradation became a photographed art, showing the realities within marginal societies.

Likewise, it opened the way to conceptual photography. It consists of an edited image, that is, natural photography is taken, but then its creator through computer editors manipulates the main concept, seeking a new image, modern and abstract. If you think that what are the different types of photography, then you came to the right place. In this post, I’ll guide you about types of photography, so let’s get started….

What are the different types of photography?

Artistic Photography 

Artistic photography consists of showing the art created by the photographer. They are abstract images that must necessarily produce a reaction, a feeling before the viewer. This type of photo was born from painting during the 19th century.

Reaching a point where the photography of paintings is extinguished, and recreation with people, objects and environments designed by the author is born.

Documentary photography

The documentary photo seeks a story, travels the world capturing realities that are later shown to the world. Its name specifies it, it is a documentary in itself, but with the difference that they are not recorded or acted sequences, but a static plasma that the public, through an image, constructs the photographed context.

Advertising photography

Search for consumption through an image. It is attractive and influential, but above all, it makes a product known through simple elements, these enter the consumer’s psyche and when they go to the market they know specifically what they want.

Fashion photography

Fashion photography characteristics are to show a harmonious and aesthetic environment, where the clothes, makeup and accessories of the model prevail.

Sports photography 

Also considered an art. The portrait artist who dedicates himself to this type of photography must have the eye of a hawk since the best scenes quickly pass during the execution of the sport. In addition, from that, you must know each part and movement of the discipline photographed.

Underwater photography

It is the most expensive style for photographic materials and diving practice. Also, it is the most delicate at the moment of capturing the scenes, the colours and the planes because the environment inside the sea is not as flexible as on land.

Aerial photography

Aerial photography is the one that allows knowing places from an open-angle. This style has evolved a lot during this century, the arrival of drones saved labour and gave rise to new approaches that were previously invisible to man.

Astronomical photography 

It is divided into two types; planetary photography and deep-sky photography. The first captures the solar system and the second those elements that are beyond, such as nebulae or supernovae.

Night photography

It is part of landscape photography, it has two moments to take a good image. This means that night photos occur at dusk and dawn. The two processes that the sun has; when it comes out and hides.

Scientist photography 

Scientific photography is responsible for immortalizing the scientific advances that man has made, experiments and discovery. It is done using techniques such as infrared, x-rays, thermal images, among others.


The photomacrography goes hand in hand with the detail shot. More than a style, it is a technique; Where the photographer captures those things that are hardly visible to the naked eye, zooming them in with a macro sensor until it appears to be a real size.

Journalistic photography

Journalistic photography has  given rise since the warlike conflicts were implanted in society. This style is particularly not taken by a photographer, but by war journalists who dare to go into action, looking for a photo report. Furthermore, its practice has helped historical records within society.

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