Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The transportation industry is the engine that drives the economy of the nation. Over ten percent of the total labor force in the United States is employed in the transportation industry, which accounts for the movement of billions of dollars worth of goods on a yearly basis and employs more than thirteen million people. Without trucks, all commercial activity would come to a screeching stop, and commodities would never get to their final destinations. There is a potential for cash flow to be a cause of worry for transportation companies.

Despite the fact that they are obligated to pay recurring expenses such as gasoline and wages, transportation enterprises are often obliged to wait an extended period of time for payment. Truck factoring company is the solution to increasing your freight company while having problems with cash flow (also known as truck factoring or freight factoring).

What is a truck factoring company?

The technique known as transportation factoring refers to selling receivables at a price that is decreased from its original amount. After selling their outstanding trucking invoices to a transportation factoring service, a trucking company may recover up to 97% of the amount in cash within a few days. This is possible because transportation factoring providers get paid in advance. The remaining funds are refunded when the transportation bills have been paid in full, less a nominal fee for the factoring service. If the trucking company’s clients have good credit, there is a good chance that they will be approved for transportation factoring.

Truck factoring services

There are several instances in which customers will not pay their invoices. The question of whether or not a trucking firm should consider its accounts receivable may be influenced by this aspect. Trucking companies have two options available to them in order to avoid being held accountable and having to pay higher factoring fees for transportation: they may either choose to be liable for unpaid truck bills and have their factoring rates decreased, or they can choose the former option. There are two types of factoring that are used to define these transportation factoring options: recourse factoring and non-recourse factoring.

Factoring with Recourse: This kind of factoring requires the transportation provider to take responsibility for customers who are late with their payments. One of the benefits of having regular rates is that they are less expensive than they would be if responsibilities were not there. This is a good option for larger trucking companies that have the financial resources to cover any possible charges associated with bad debt.

When you choose this kind of factoring, the factor is the one who is liable for any unpaid invoice-related liabilities that may arise. In addition to this, it will result in higher average rates in order to compensate for the responsibility cost incurred by the element. This method is generally used by more modest companies that lack the financial resources necessary to settle a bad debt in cash.

Why do companies need a truck factoring company?

A lot of companies use factoring because, in the trucking business, you need your cash flow to operate on today, not three months from now. The small percentage of load value that you give up in exchange for faster payment is a small price to pay when you have maintenance, fuel, taxes, and other business-related costs to cover, not to mention paying yourself. There’re main advantages of trucking factoring:

  • Immediate Cash—receive cash in less than 24 hours.
  • Eliminate Overhead—costs associated with processing invoices and handling collections are eliminated.
  • Unlimited Capital—factoring is the only source of financing that grows with your sales.
  • Bad Credit, No Problem—only customers’ credit histories are taken into account.
  • Factor only the invoices you want because there are no minimum volume requirements.

Truck factoring is an excellent answer for businesses that are having trouble with their cash flow. Get in touch with EZ Invoice Factoring immediately if you own a trucking business and are looking for ways to improve your company’s cash flow.

Do you need a truck factoring company?

You won’t need the assistance of a truck factoring company to operate your trucking company successfully; you can manage everything on your own. You will not be out of the fees, and the percentage cut is taken by a factoring business. Still, you will need to make preparations in advance for the significant wait periods associated with being paid by your clients. In the end, factoring is an improvement to one’s quality of life that comes at a cost, and a great number of owner-operators have found success via factoring.

Selecting a reliable and well-informed factoring partner is crucial. Because of its extensive network of reputable business partners, Logity Dispatch can assist its clients in locating a dependable company that can provide the premium factoring services their operations want. We’ll help you choose a trustworthy business associate, zero in on the best factoring partner for your needs, and offer you the same high-quality service we provide our clients.

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