Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The best time to consult your doctor about hip replacement surgery in India depends on the degree of pain you are experiencing. If your hip pain is getting severe with every day passing and it has created a mess in your life by affecting your lifestyle and daily activities, you should take it as a red flag and immediately consult with a doctor and discuss your hip pain. As we mentioned, the degree of hip pain varies from person to person, and some people have experienced great results from non-surgical interventions like cane use during walking, physical and Ayurvedic blend therapy for pain reduction. 

That’s the point; we want you to understand that you can’t decide whether the pain you have in your hips would require to be treated only with hip replacement surgery or natural remedies or some medications. You have to find a certified orthopedic surgeon who can give all your answers about hips replacement surgery costs, and everything associated with it, including recovery time too if you are facing pain in your hips. 

Who Need Hip Replacement Surgery? 

If you are a person who is going through severe pain in your hips due to any injury, bone loss. You would be surprised to know that hip replacement surgery is the last option orthopedic surgeons recommend because the procedure is carried out in the cases when there’s an excessive growth of the bone tumour or your hip bone gets fractured. 

You might not know about it, but studies revealed that people of the age group of 50 to 80 usually undergo hip replacement surgery. The reason why hip replacement surgery is performed is associated with hip arthritis, a disease that does damage to the cartilage, which acts as a cushion binding the bones together. When the cartilage breaks, pain starts. 

Is India A Reliable Place For Hip Replacement Surgery? 

There’s no dearth of hip replacement surgery hospitals in India, and even the success rate of hips replacement surgery in India is whooping 99%. You might be wondering what makes India so worth it for hip replacement surgery. Keep reading to find out! But before that, discuss the type of hip replacement surgery options you have to choose from!

You need to understand that your orthopedic clinician will let you know what kind of hip replacement surgery you require. It is because, in India, the cost of single hip replacement surgery is different in comparison to bilateral hip replacement surgery. The former one is estimated to be USD 3000-4000 while the latter one is something between USD 5500-7200. 

However, if you compare the cost of hip replacement surgery in India with western nations like the United States, Israel, Turkey, you will find the difference, and you can save upto USD 6400 to USD 3200, that too without compromising with the standard of the treatment you will receive in India. Equipped with foreign return degree, Indian orthopedic doctors are certified from the international universities of the UK and US. 

What Implant Is Best For You? 

You should leave this decision on your orthopedic doctor and allow him to suggest the implant type because the budget also plays an important role. The type of material used for transplant comes at different costs. Although, no matter what destination you choose for your hip replacement surgery, you are no one to decide yourself which type of surgery you should go for. It is because irrespective of the place, every certified orthopedic doctor picks hip replacement surgery option for the end and first try to recover the hip pain or try to control arthritis via medications and or suggest walkers use or canes. 

How To Know The Right Time To Seek Medical Care? 

You might be wondering when is the ideal time to seek emergency care for your hip pain. You should contact your orthopedic doctor if you are experiencing pain from the last many days and are becoming severe. Remember that if you identify the red flag and consult with a clinician even in your initial pain stage, chances are very strong that you will get rid of your hip pain without going for any sort of surgery. Your clinician will suggest you get yourself treated with a certified orthopedic surgeon for detailed reference. 

You must contact your doctor immediately if : 

  • Bleeding is occurring from your hip.
  • You hear popping noise in bones.
  • You are facing difficulty in standing, and your lifestyle is getting affected – mostly physical activities. From hip swelling to soreness to redness are a few more red flags to identify. 

How Orthopedic Surgeons Diagnose Hip Problems?  

Your orthopedic surgeon will ask a few questions like; how severe your pain is? Do your daily activities get affected? Do you feel a problem with walking or other related questions? To diagnose the full cause of hip pain, you have to go with CT Scans, Ultrasounds, MRI Scans, X-Rays. These are all imaging tests. 

Although the basic procedure includes performing a fluid test, which includes 

taking urine and blood samples. But for the severe hip pain, orthopedic surgeons recommend doing imaging tests since it gives a detailed review about hip bones, cartilage, and tissue problems. 

What Are The Best Tips To Choose Orthopedic Surgeons In India? 

Finalizing an orthopedic surgeon is not as easy as it looks and trusts me, good and reliable surgeons in India are in abundance. You just need to map yourself with the best hip replacements hospitals in India with the help of trustworthy medical tourism companies like Medsurge India. 

You can align yourself with the certified orthopedic doctors who have successfully performed hundreds of hips replacement surgery with a high success rate if you select Medsurge India to be your medical tourism partner in India. 

Is There Any Long Term Outlook? 

Talking about the long term outlook, we would have to say that additional studies show that you could control and get rid of hip pain if your injury is minor. The minor injury or pain could be treated with modifying lifestyle changes and performing a few exercise or medications. But in case of extreme pain, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. 

Last but not least, the lifespan of hip replacement surgery is highly dependent on your obesity level. Also, if you don’t select the ideal orthopedic doctor, chances are high that you might need to undergo hip replacements surgery again, which you won’t like to go for. Would you? 

So, pick the reliable, trustworthy, and certified orthopedic hospitals and surgeons in India for your hip-related problems and contact Medsurge India to remove the connecting gap. For any other sort of information on replacement surgery like risk, complications, check out our website.

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