Mon. Oct 7th, 2024, which is a job site for the so-called not so educated ones but who are skilled in garment sectors. We always see banners flying by every factory gate for the job circulars, as these garment workers don’t have a presence on the online portals, so we want to give a presence for them. A garment worker who is working in a sweater factory in Ashulia doesn’t know what good offering is empty in Gazipur or Savar because the worker doesn’t have time to look for circulars manually by walking to the factory gates because he is working from 7 a.m. and finishing at 8 p.m.

Garment workers can call a specific hotline number (01810004200) and someone from our end will pick up the call and help the worker to create her/his resume. Then when a job offer is coming and matches with the candidate, an SMS will go in Bangla from our end for them to apply by sending the job post code by SMS to a unique phone number (01813386076). Then it will be shown as applied by that candidate to that specific job post and the internet or a smartphone are not required to apply for the job. And then if the employers find the candidate to be suitable, they can contact the candidate and ask for an interview.

Garment workers will be able to ask for support by calling at our hotline number 01810004200 even for the job application then someone from our end will look for the opportunities on the portal for him/her as per his/her desired location & post.

You have to understand, first of all, that working in the clothing industry – no matter where you do that – is a hard job. There is a lot of competition and the person that is in the office next to you always will have different advantages than you. It’s hard to break into the fashion industry, then, no matter how you want to think about it. Thus, offers all of those who need it a leg up.


To help people in the industry of clothing with the use of a portal of online jobs. Helping persons in need and with low rating to get a job and also factory owners to get workers with developable potential in the textile industry.


To be the online job portal of clothing that reaches to the most persons in need to get a job according to their skills.



We promote the welfare of all persons and respect their human rights. We feel satisfaction alleviating suffering and promoting human dignity. We feel that we are united to others.

Progress and Productivity:

We believe that all human beings are able to develop personally. We also appreciate the progress and development of society and we know that we have the needed resources to contribute to that progress.

Technology and Systems:

We believe that through our portal we facilitate and improve the business of our clients. We value the technology and systems as a way to achieve a more successful and efficient business.

Candidate :

C1. Create your job/candidate profile if you are into the garment sector.

C2. Apply for jobs if you are in the garment sector.

Employer :

E1. Create your employer profile for free if you are into the garment sector.

E2. Post job circulars for free if you are into the garment sector. | | 01810004200

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By kabir

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