Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

One of the most powerful forces in all of society and, indeed, the entire world is the power of giving. It’s not only the act one does for others but the effect it has.

If 2020 taught us anything, it is that the power of connection and community is more important in our lives than we ever imagined and it is more critical now than ever before. It is evident that we as a global church community must come together to help one another during these trying times.

The new high fashion brand Rising Star, is coming together with several Christian charities to host an art auction for charity.

Now more than ever, it is important that we reconnect with Christ’s values and rid ourselves from worldliness. We must realize the beauty of the church.

It is just that spirit, the overwhelming truth and beauty of the church community that inspired Rising Star creative director, James Dennis, to sell the “World’s Most Expensive Photo”, helping kickstart the year for Rising Star and its many creative endeavors.

An emerging force on the scene, the young creative director used his experiences and promises from Jesus himself, to instill the courage needed to perform such a feat. The director is planning on releasing the backstory of his experiences. To confirm the originality of the idea, the brand will also be auctioning the “World’s Most Expensive Screenshot”, a screenshot of the photo’s first public announcement.

The photograph, part of a collection titled “I Met Jesus 5 Times This Year and He Named My Brand,” is called Church Grounds and, as the name implies, it depicts a parochial, rural church with contrasting whites and greens making it appear both as a watercolor painting and a still photograph at the same time. Taken by photographer Brandon Nelson, the two young creatives are excited to be the first fashion brand to ever sell something of this nature.

Going for an asking price of $USD 32 million, the proceeds are going towards various charitable works throughout 2021. The auction is being hosted in the SoHo section of Manhattan, a premier capital for art and fashion. The funds will be donated to parochial schools, church communities and Christian libraries in Israel, West Africa, South America and Asia.

By james vines

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