Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
10 Tips To Help You Stay Safe When Online Dating10 Tips To Help You Stay Safe When Online Dating

We all know how much the internet has affected everything around us and how everything is becoming virtual. The new virtual way of living is both a boon and a bane! 

One of the things we are going to talk about today is online dating. I am sure many of you have tried online dating at least once in your life or even if you haven’t, guessing by your presence here means you are about to start online dating as well. 

Well, it’s a big step and you need to be aware of everything, including how to stay safe when online dating. Yes, you need to stay safe because there are so many things that can go wrong and hurt you while you are dating online. 

But with a few simple tips and safety measures, you can stay safe and happily find a new partner online through best hookup sites. In this article, we are going to share a few tips with you which would help you stay safe when online dating. Go ahead and take a look, you should be aware of these safety measures. 

  1. Do Your Research 

It’s always better to know a little bit about the person you are just meeting. We are not saying you need to be a stalker or anything but you might wanna what you are getting yourself into. Checking out their social media account would be helpful, as you would have an idea about the person you are just going to meet for the first time. 

  1. Chat with the Person Before Meeting 

Just swipe right, find a match, and looking forward to meeting? Well, this should not be an option. You can’t meet a person you know nothing about! You should know that many things can alert you if you just have a chat with that person. You should be aware of their thoughts and the way they talk to you. Because if you are not then you are just meeting a stranger with unknown intentions. So before you decide to meet them, make sure you get to know them a little via chatting. 

  1. Talk to Them Via Video Calling 

It’s always better to know what they look like and sound like before you meet them and vice versa. You need to know if the person resembles their display profile and if they are genuine. You can also try voice calling as well, frequently. Although we would suggest you have a video call before you meet them so you would know exactly how they look like. 

And engage in video calling via the dating app you are using and not your personal id or number.

  1. Use Google Voice Number

It’s never safe to give your personal information and especially your number to a person you barely know. On the other hand, people who engage in social dating are highly likely to give their number the first time they ever talk. 

So don’t do that. Thanks to Google, we have a good alternative to a phone number, and this is Google Voice number. With the Google Voice app, you can easily give the number and check out the calls, voice messages and also block anyone if you would like. You can do all this without giving your actual number. 

  1. Don’t Share Too Much 

Sharing online is always a no-no! And it should never be with a person you just met and that too on an online dating app. Make sure you don’t share your secrets or personal information with a person you barely know because they can use that information against you (not in every case but this can happen). Try to get to know each other and limit the sharing until you fully trust that person. 

  1. Meet at a Public Place 

You should never go to their house or any private place. I repeat never! No matter how genuine they sound or how much time you two have spent talking to each other. You should never trust a person you just met and meet them at a place where no one is around. A good restaurant or cafe should be a good place to meet for the first time. 

  1. Drive Yourself or Use a Public Transport 

Never let them pick you up from your place. As romantic as it sounds, this can be a bit risky. You should be independent and doesn’t rely on your date to pick up or drop you. So make sure you go to the place by yourself and you can get out of there when you want to. 

  1. Share the Details of Meeting with a Friend

It’s always safe to let someone know about your whereabouts. So that if you need anything or get yourself into trouble, you can always count on your friend. You can also invite your friend to go with you and they can sit at a distance quietly while you enjoy your date. 

  1. Stay Sober 

Don’t drink too much or lose control of your mind and body, remember you are responsible for yourself. Make sure you don’t drink more than half a glass of wine or avoid alcohol altogether. You don’t know what their intentions are and you might end up in trouble if you are drunk. 

  1. Carry a Pepper Spray 

Just for safety! Not all the guys (or even the girls) are going to take your advantage or harm you. But it would be better if you have a pepper spray with yourself. Just in case! 


So these are a few tips to help you stay safe when online dating. We know online dating is fun and makes things so much easier as well, but you need to be careful because things can go south and you can never trust the person you know nothing about. We suggest you take all these safety measures whenever you are about to date online. We hope that our article was helpful for you and you would be more careful from now on. 

By admin

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