Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
attorney lead

What is a lead?

A lead is someone who has expressed an interest in your business by sharing their contact information with you.

Usually, leads are collected by asking for the person’s first and last name as well as their email address or phone number. The less information you ask, the easier it is to generate leads.

The quality of your leads may also be lower since you ask them for less information.

To get leads for your business, you need a lead magnet . This is a free offer that you give in exchange for your prospects’ contact information.

The term is a bit barbaric, I know!

Your lead magnet can take many forms. It all depends on your business, the product or service you offer. In any case, the person must have an interest in exchanging their precious email address with you for your free offer .

You must therefore offer an offer adapted to the challenges and needs of your ideal client .

How to generate leads with a Facebook Page?

Facebook is a real lead machine.  You can get attorney leads for your firm at this website.


There are so many ways to promote your offers that I won’t be able to list them all in this article.

I am going to give you 3 of them in this article!

1) Your publications

The most classic.

Here you have 2 choices:

Publish an image and put the link of your landing page in the description. 

For example, Cedric Annicette regularly posts pictures, quotes or videos on financial independence.

He never forgets to link its prospects magnet ( lead magnet ) in its publications.

If you use this strategy, avoid putting your lead magnet link on ALL of your posts.

Your fans are not stupid.

They will end up telling themselves that you are only posting for promotion and may ignore your posts or even stop following you.

In fact, according to Sprout Social , there are a number of reasons people stop following a brand on social media.

The main causes are:

  • Too many promotional messages
  • The publication is not useful / relevant
  • The brand tweets too many
  • Use of jargon that does not match the brand image
  • The brand is too silent on social networks
  • Few responses to comments or messages. 
  • And what is at the top of the list?

Too many promotional messages! 

Remember, social media should first and foremost be used to bond with your audience, not to constantly promote.

Publish primarily for your audience, not for you.

I learned that from Gary Vaynerchuk , social media guru .

Try to keep an 80% ratio of entertaining or educational content to 20% promotional content.

Finally, according to Buffer , social networks are becoming media to engage their community and develop their branding rather than distribution media.

Publish directly on your Page the link of your landing page containing your offer. 

Education First (EF) has mastered the art of promoting on its Facebook page .

And in addition you have the possibility of winning 2 train tickets to London or Paris!

All you have to do is order the brochure (free). 

2) Publish your blog posts that generate the most leads

1/3 of my email list subscribers read at least one blog post and subscribed afterwards.

I usually post my articles on my Facebook page and share them on certain Facebook groups where I am allowed to do so.

Blog posts work to generate leads as long as the information they contain informs, entertains, or teaches your audience.

This is what I try to do with my blog posts.

I use a friendly tone as much as I can.

I provide many examples in pictures.

And I give statistics or the results of studies to support my remarks.

But everything I just told you is useless if your title  sucks. 

In this example, the title attracts enough curiosity and plays on fear, an emotion that sells (6 mistakes not to make in Facebook advertising and how to avoid them).

Unfortunately, the organic reach of “link” type posts is reduced by Facebook’s algorithm that prefers video posts.

If you are comfortable with video, you can make a short video (30 seconds or 1 minute) to mini tease your blog post.

This is what Amy Porterfield does when she shares on Facebook a new episode of her podcast Online Marketing Made Easy (which I recommend to you).

Consider including a call to action in your post like Amy did at the end of the ad (ie  Click here to listen to the podcast).

Also, make sure that your article has plenty of calls to action .

For example, the article ”  6 Beginner’s Facebook Advertising Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)  ” alone contains at least 5 calls to action to download one of my guides:

In the sidebar

In the article via text links or a ”  box “.

At the end of the article.

Via a pop-up exit that is only activated when a visitor leaves one of my articles (so as not to annoy my readers ? ).

Why put so many calls to action?

Because the rule of 7 of marketing!

What is the rule of 7 marketing?

It’s an old concept in marketing that says a prospect needs to see or listen to an advertisement at least 7 times before taking the action of buying a product.

In my case, my goal is to have more subscribers to my newsletter, so I promote it on my website as much as I can.

Some see it as an aggressive strategy, but you know what?

It works and it doesn’t hurt anyone!

3) Pin a post

You surely know this strategy, it is simple but terribly effective.

You create a post on your Facebook Page and pin it to the top of your page.

Pinning your posts is extremely useful for your audience and new subscribers to directly see important announcements about your business or highlight an event.

To do this, choose an important post that is already on your page or create a new one.

Then all you have to do is pin it to the top of your Page!

By admin

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