Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
5 Advantages Of Industrial Resin Floor Over Concrete5 Advantages Of Industrial Resin Floor Over Concrete

Choosing the right flooring solution for industrial facilities is a matter of careful research. By weighing in the advantages and the drawbacks of each solution, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the features and floor types that would best suit your needs. Here are five of the most important advantages of industrial resin floors over concrete. Read them carefully to make the best decision for your production facility or warehouse.

An industrial resin floor is much easier to clean than a concrete one. The fact that epoxy is poured generates a seamless surface, free from joints, ridges or seams. Concrete is also poured, but its texture is different. Even though you can polish it after hardening, a concrete surface will never be as smooth and flawless as a resin one. Such seamless surfaces are very easy to clean, hence being a great choice for industries where spills and stains are frequent. Not only you’ll have to clean your floors less often, but you’ll also need less effort and fewer employees to do it. This means you’ll save on human labor and cleaning products costs, therefore helping improve the profitability of your business. Want to know more about industrial resin floors? Visit this Resin Flooring company in Leeds.

The appearance is another advantage of resin floors over concrete. No matter how carefully you’d polish and stain concrete flooring, it will never match the beauty of a pristine resin floor. In some situations, this detail can make all the difference between an awesome look and an average one. Even though stained concrete floors can also look amazing, the effort to apply such a high-quality finish isn’t worth it. Besides, stained concrete requires frequent maintenance, if you want your floor to look its best even after months of intense traffic. On the contrary, resin floors will look new for a very long time, without any effort from your side other than cleaning them properly. If looks matter in your industry or area of activity, consider investing in a high-quality resin floor right off the bat. You’ll save yourself a lot of hassle and a nice amount of money.

Durability is another important advantage of industrial resin floor solutions. More often than not industrial floors have to withstand high levels of traffic. People walking all over these floors, some of them in boots with very hard soles, will inevitably add to the normal wear and tear of the surface. Concrete floors have much lower durability than epoxy resin surfaces. No matter how good they might look in the beginning, concrete floors end up showing early signs of wear and tear way too soon to be worth the pain of maintaining them. Once cured, the resin has great durability, so it can withstand high levels of traffic without any problem. Also, if your employees handle heavy tools or sharp items, dropping them by accident on the floor won’t create such a mess, as resin can take such chocks very well. Concrete is rather fragile, so dropping heavy items on concrete floors might damage them.

The cost-effectiveness of resin floors recommends them for a wide array of industrial applications. The cost per square meter is much lower than the cost of concrete. When you calculate these costs, you must take into consideration the cost of the materials, the labor, and the tools required to do the job. The fact that resin floors don’t require the same level of polish as concrete is one of the major factors that contribute to lowering the cost of such flooring solutions. Furthermore, resin floors have a much longer useful life, so you won’t need to replace them as often. This means that they cost you less in the long run. Besides, resin surfaces require very low maintenance, thus allowing you to keep your overhead costs under control and boost the profitability of your company.

Last but not least, industrial resin floors are safer than concrete. You can eliminate slips and accidents by applying an anti-slip coating to your resin floor. This coating will also add to the durability of the contact surface and will prevent damage.

As you can see, resin floors have significant advantages over concrete. being, therefore, a better choice for industrial facilities, workshops, and warehouses. They are beautiful and easy to clean. They barely require any maintenance other than regular cleaning. These floors are also easy to install, as they don’t require the intense polishing work concrete does. They can withstand impressive levels of traffic without showing any early signs of wear and tear. Also, since they don’t erode, epoxy floors are environmentally friendly. They don’t flake or chip, so they won’t end up polluting the environment as concrete does. Briefly put, if you are shopping around for a sustainable flooring solution for your factory or industrial building, consider choosing resin floors over concrete or any other material. You’ll be glad you’ve done it.

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