Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Hormones play an important role in the regulation of several body systems. To name a few, they are responsible for metabolism, development and growth, sexual function, and reproduction. As such, if your hormones are out of balance, they can greatly influence your physical, mental, and psychological health. Though most individuals are uncertain what an endocrinologist is or does, this specialist may be the best choice for treating the myriad symptoms and issues associated with hormone imbalances. If you are experiencing night sweats, fatigue, or other hormone-related concerns, consult with competent endocrinologist Dr. Carlos Nunez. Here are some of the common endocrine disorders Dr. Nunez addresses:

1.      Diabetes

The most frequent endocrine condition is diabetes. Type I diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which your pancreas quits generating insulin. Consequently, your body fails to keep blood sugar levels at a healthy level.

On the other hand, type II diabetes occurs once your body is insulin resistant. As such, it fails to utilize insulin adequately.

2.      Thyroid Disorder

The thyroid gland’s incorrect functioning causes various endocrine diseases that account for the second most prevalent endocrine disorder. Hyperthyroidism is a disorder whereby the thyroid gland generates an excessive thyroid hormone. Sweating, unexpected weight loss, anxiousness, and a rapid heart rate are all possible side effects.

The opposite is true in hypothyroidism. Here, the thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormone at insufficient levels. As a result, you may experience weariness, constipation, dry skin, and depression.

3.      Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal condition that affects women between 18- 44 years, commonly referred to as the ‘child-bearing’ years. This condition affects the growth and release of an ovum from your ovaries. What’s more, the ovaries can grow multiple follicles.

PCOS is a major reason for female infertility. It is unknown what causes this syndrome. Nonetheless, some of the possible factors include a family history of the disease, excessive insulin generation, and overproduction of the androgen hormone by your ovaries.

4.      Gigantism

Gigantism or acromegaly is a form of growth hormone disease. It develops once the pituitary gland creates too much somatotropin (the growth hormone). This endocrine issue causes a kid’s body components and bones to grow unnaturally fast. This unusual growth also affects their girth.

5.      Addison’s Disease

Addison’s disease is an endocrine illness that occurs whenever the hormone cortisol is not released at appropriate levels by the adrenal glands, also known as adrenal insufficiency. Whenever the adrenal glands are damaged, it could lead to adrenal insufficiency. It could also be caused by a breakdown in the relay of information from the brain to your adrenal glands, which instructs them to create cortisol. Adrenal insufficiency can result in low levels of the hormone aldosterone in some circumstances.

Hormone imbalances are notorious for triggering daunting symptoms such as fatigue, reduced sexual drive, weight gain, fatigue, muscle aches, and many more. However, many might not realize there are numerous straightforward solutions to hormonal imbalances that can help alleviate symptoms and associated conditions. At CHW Cares, Dr. Nunez uses his skills in endocrinology to address various common concerns, ranging from diabetes to growth disorders. Schedule a consultation today through mobile or book online to explore your care options and find an ideal solution.

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