Mon. May 6th, 2024

Your thyroid gland is responsible for the optimal functioning of your brain, heart, and metabolic and digestive systems. Unfortunately, thyroid gland nodules can disrupt the correct functioning of your glands, resulting in problems with swallowing, and excess hormone production, among other issues. In the past, surgery was the only way to address a dysfunctional thyroid gland. However, advancements in medical technology now allow patients to access more conservative solutions. Newport beach thyroid rfa is a minimally invasive procedure performed through ultrasound imaging by endocrine specialists. Here are the many benefits of considering radiofrequency ablation to treat your thyroid issues.

  1. No General Anesthesia Or Hospitalization

Unlike thyroid surgery, ablation does not require patients to undergo general anesthesia or hospitalization. Most procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.

Before your radiofrequency ablation procedure starts, your doctor uses a local anesthetic to numb the neck and region surrounding the thyroid gland. Contrary to general anesthesia, which induces sleeping, local anesthesia lets you awake during your procedure. After the treatment is done, patients can return home right away.

  1. No Scarring

Radiofrequency ablation treatments are considerably less intrusive than traditional open thyroid surgery. Using ultrasound-guided imaging, your endocrinologist drives a tiny probe into the thyroid nodule, which delivers the radiofrequency energy. While you might experience some mild discomfort or unpleasant warning sensations, you will not experience huge scarring.

  1. Less Risk of Complications

Radiofrequency ablation specifically targets the thyroid gland. The procedure is better at addressing the problem area within the thyroid, and not disrupting the whole thyroid gland. As such, this procedure does not pose a huge risk of infections and other complications common with surgery, like bleeding, scarring, and more.

  1. Shorter Recovery Time

Radiofrequency ablation is less intrusive; thus, patients do not require downtime after their procedure. As with most outpatient procedures, you can return home on the same day. Although taking rest after your treatment is advisable, most patients resume their routine activities in a day.

If you have undergone surgery to address your thyroid condition, you must care for your surgical wound and experience discomfort as it heals. Patients do not have to restrain from activities that cause neck straining or other strenuous activities. Besides, patients will not experience the bruising or swelling that surgery causes.

  1. Preserves The Thyroid

Surgery to eliminate a portion or the entire thyroid gland has lasting effects on one’s hormone levels. In such cases, patients must use thyroid medicines to replenish the hormones the body no longer creates.

Radiofrequency ablation preserves more of the thyroid and helps patients retain normal thyroid functionality. Your specialist uses imaging technology to carefully measure your ablation procedure. The treatment precisely addresses the cells inside the nodules, preserving all other healthy thyroid tissues.

Thyroid nodules, even while non-cancerous, could develop noticeably large and cause breathing or swallowing difficulties, hoarseness, or persistent cough. Thyroid radiofrequency ablation is minimally-invasive therapy that greatly eliminates the need for radioactive iodine (RAI) and nodule surgery. While surgery causes a noticeable scar, the radiofrequency ablation treatment is a relatively quick and safe alternative. The procedure also allows patients to resume routine daily acidity with little-to-no downtime. Besides, unlike surgery that might entail eliminating the affected thyroid portion, the procedure retains thyroid integrity, which supports enhanced thyroid function.

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