Sat. May 18th, 2024

You’ve probably heard about Thrive somewhere due to its popularity. I’ve tried it as well and found it to be super helpful to supporting my life and goals. But, unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about Thrive DFT. One of the big myths is when it’s called Thrive Patch instead of Thrive DFT. 

Those are the myths I’m here to debunk. We’re going to look at three big myths and what Thrive DFT actually is. 

What Is Thrive DFT Technology?

So let’s start with talking about what Thrive DFT actually is. Thrive by Le-Vel is a 3-step experience designed to help support your wellness goals. I started the Thrive experience because I was feeling too tired throughout the day—and those mid-afternoon naps aren’t making it any better. After trying Thrive for a couple of months, I noticed that I felt less tired during the day, amongst a ton of other benefits. A win! 

These are the three steps of Thrive: 

  • The capsules. You take two Thrive capsules first thing in the morning. It’s helpful to keep them by your bed and to take them on an empty stomach with a glass of water. 
  • The Lifestyle shake. About 20 minutes later, you drink a Thrive nutritional shake for breakfast. There are a variety of flavors to choose from. 
  • The Thrive DFT. Finally, you put on a Thrive DFT for the day. It’s essentially a foam adhesive you stick to your skin, and you replace it every day. It’s also full of great ingredients like ForsLean, green coffee bean extract, and Garcinia cambogia. 

Debunking Common Myths

Let’s dive into 3 of the most common misunderstandings about the Thrive experience. 

Referring to Thrive DFT as a “Thrive Patch”

This one is probably the biggest misunderstanding around. Tons of people call it a “Thrive Patch.” You might even find internet articles calling it that! But this technology isn’t a patch. It’s a DFT. DFT really means dermal fusion technology. A patch is just something you slap onto something—like a hole in your jeans. 

Dermal fusion technology is a special adhesive that fuses with your skin. That is how the DFT delivers great vitamins—like Vitamin B12—directly through your skin. Calling it by its proper name helps you understand exactly what the adhesive is doing for you. It also helps other people see that you’re not just putting a sticker on. You’re actually applying something that can support your goals.  

Thrive DFT as a standalone solution for weight loss

Another common myth is that Thrive DFT is a silver bullet to hit your dream weight. Some people think they can put the adhesive on their arm and lose 20 pounds. Unfortunately,  nothing in life comes that easy—especially not weight loss. Lasting weight loss and weight management support comes from a combination of a good diet, lots of exercise, and support when needed. 

And that’s what Thrive DFT can do: support when needed. For maximum results, it needs to be combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. When all three of those are working in tandem, that’s when you’re focusing on your health holistically and will achieve peak wellness. 

Thrive DFT causes immediate and drastic health improvements

Sometimes people will try out the Thrive experience for a week and then call it quits. Why? They didn’t see results. Again, nothing lasting in life is going to come too easily or instantaneously. Real results will take time, and that’s how Thrive works. Some people will feel good within a few days after using Thrive. But not everyone has that experience. In fact, Le-Vel recommends that you try the Thrive experience for at least 8 weeks.

It’s also worth noting that the Thrive Experience isn’t going to entirely change the state of your health. It’s support to help you work toward your goals, but it’s not a magic potion. That being said, when it’s used alongside great health habits, that can be impactful. That’s when you’ll see gradual improvements in your wellness. 

Other Frequently Asked Questions

With those three myths out of the way, it’s time to look at what the Thrive Experience actually is. To do that, I’ll answer two of the most common questions: What does Thrive do, and how long can you wear a Thrive DFT? 

What does Thrive DFT do (often mistakenly referred to as Thrive Patch)?

Thrive DFT is the third and final step for each day of the Thrive experience. But what exactly does it do, and why is it so important? 

The Thrive DFT is an adhesive you put onto your arm after drinking the nutritional shake and the capsules. This important step is because it lets your body absorb the key ingredients at a controlled rate. What does that do for you? These are some of the things Thrivers experience: 

  • Weight management
  • Appetite management
  • Nutritional support
  • Joint comfort
  • Digestive support
  • More restful sleep

From my own personal experience, I found that my first 8 weeks with Thrive really helped my wellness. I just generally feel better. I don’t crash every afternoon. And that morning coffee? It’s no longer my lifeblood. Plus I feel more rested when I roll out of bed because I’m sleeping more peacefully. 

How long can you wear a Thrive DFT?

When you apply the Thrive DFT each morning, what’s next? You wear it for the rest of the day. The DFT can be worn for 24 hours for maximum effect. The good news is that the DFT is water resistant, so you can keep it on in the shower, at the pool, or even at the beach. Leave it on all night too. When you do your first 2 Thrive steps the next morning, that’s when you’ll remove the old DFT and throw it away. 

Where do you apply the DFT? It should go somewhere with clean, dry skin. Some people may find more adhesiveness on their bicep, hip, shoulder, or leg. That’s where most people apply it, but find the location that works best for you. 

When you put on your daily DFT, try to place it on a different side of your body each day to allow the skin to breathe. So if you put it on your left side one day, the next day you’d put it on the right. 

Understanding the Ingredients

Let’s look at what exactly goes into the Thrive DFT. These are the main ingredients and what they can do: 

  • ForsLean®: This is the brand name of forskolin. Forskolin is a plant extract from Coleus forskohlii roots. There are few recent studies exploring the benefits of forskolin for weight management in humans and have found it to be beneficial. 
  • Green coffee bean extract: This extract contains the stimulant caffeine, which may help with weight maintenance. 
  • Garcinia cambogia: This plant has shown positive effects on weight management and appetite management in some people, which is why it’s a key ingredient in the DFT. 
  • CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10): This nutrient occurs naturally in the body. As a DFT ingredient, it may help with weight management by supporting metabolization.
  • White willow bark: People have widely used white willow bark in weight management products for years. This use is possibly due to its anti-inflammatory effects. That’s why it’s included in the DFT to help support weight management. 
  • Cosmoperine®: This ingredient is an active ingredient in peppercorns, called piperine. Cosmoperine is the brand name of the extract. It’s also been helpful for losing inches. 

How to Use Thrive DFT Effectively

To use the Thrive DFT, just follow these simple steps: 

  • After your Thrive breakfast shake, clean and dry a patch of skin
  • Choose a DFT for the day. There are different fun patterns available, so you can pick one that suits you
  • Apply the DFT 
  • Leave it on for 24 hours
  • Remove it the next morning by taking it off the skin
  • Apply a new DFT

Ready to get started Thriving? Here are a few tips to help you use the Thrive DFT effectively: 

  • Remove any residue. Sometimes the DFT can leave a little bit of sticky residue like a latex-free bandaid. If that happens to you, a little coconut oil or makeup remover will take care of it. 
  • Exercise every day. DFT is best when used with exercise. Try to get some type of exercise every day. The first way to help make that happen is to find an exercise that you like. If you’re a runner, hit the track. If you aren’t sure you like exercising, maybe take a dance class or take long walks. You might plan it into your daily schedule: do your Thrive routine and then exercise for half an hour. 
  • Meal plan. A great way to make sure you’re eating healthy is to meal plan. That way you can make sure you’re getting the right nutrients. Jumping right into meal planning can be tricky, so you might try small. The Thrive experience will take care of breakfast, so start meal planning your lunches and then build to dinner. 
  • Keep your Thrive nearby. Looking to make Thrive a habit? Keep it in convenient places. Put the capsules on your bedside table alongside a glass of water. That way you can wake up and immediately jumpstart your day. Then keep your second step shake on the kitchen counter to make it easy to drink it for breakfast. Finally, have your DFT ready to go. If it’s easier to remember right after breakfast, keep it in the kitchen. If you want to apply it while you’re getting ready, keep it in your closet or in the bathroom. 


So there you have it! The Thrive DFT is not a patch but a very specific adhesive that provides your body with great ingredients that can help support wellness goals. My own experience has taught me that Thriving really can help me feel more peaceful at night and more energized throughout the day. Other perks include supporting weight and appetite management—and joint comfort. 

Results aren’t instantaneous, and Thrive works best when used alongside a healthy lifestyle. So if you’re ready to Thrive, start an exercise habit now and focus on getting key nutrients from your meals. Then add Thrive, and you’ll be able to get the most of all three. Remember to give it a try for at least 8 weeks! Good luck and happy Thriving! 

By admin

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