Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Here in Chicago botox procedures are low cost and easy to find and it was something that I had been considering for some time. After my 40th birthday, having given up smoking year earlier I decided that it was time to give the treatment a try in order to see if I could reduce the wrinkles a little bit that had formed around my eyes. Since having the work done I have been asked by so many people what the experience was like and whether or not I would recommend it to them and so I thought it may be easier to write down the experience that I had and that way many of you could have some of those questions which you may have about botox answered.

Does It Hurt?

The most frequent question which I am asked was did it hurt and the honest answer is no. In total I had 6 injections around my eyes and on my forehead and the only way that I can really describe them was uncomfortable and that they felt as though they scratched. The injections actually felt similar to when you have an injection in your gum to give you an anesthetic. Once the needle was under the skin, the botox went in very quickly and I felt nothing from it.

How Quick?


In terms of how quickly botox takes to start having an affect, I could notice the difference about 10 days after I had the injections. Once you have had the injections you will be told to make some facial expressions which are designed to help the botox move around so that you will have an even spread of the product. I did this for around 30 minutes after the procedure, changing my face from happy to shocked and then to angry, and back again.


There really is no recovery time at all and after the procedure I was able to go about my day as normal with no restrictions on what I could or couldn’t do. I suppose this is the benefit which so many enjoy with regards to this treatment.

How Long Does It Last?

I was told that the effects of botox would last between 3-6 months and to be honest by month 5 I did start to notice those wrinkles slowly coming back. The key during this time is that you look after your skin with a great daily care routine and in doing that you can extend the life of the botox. I have spoken to some people who only saw the impact for 3 months, and others who had 7 months before things went back to normal.

Your body can build up a resistance to the botox which is why it is not recommended to do every 6 months, with this bingo said you can certainly get it on a yearly basis which will help you to look young and fresh faced. All told, this is certainly something I would recommend.

By David Smith

I am David Smith - a professional copywriter and content strategist. I am helping businesses with content marketing and digital marketing services so that they can start seeing the tangible ROI quickly. I love reading books and car racing.

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