Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Problems related to buddy punching can happen where the co-worker leaves early, turns up late for work, or takes long hours of prolonged breaks. This can hamper the team’s overall productivity and organization because they can have someone else punch in for them. To protect the productivity of the employees, an organization must opt for a biometric attendance management system

What is a Biometric Attendance Management System?

It is a smart attendance management system that monitors the time spent by an employee in the office. A comprehensive biometric attendance management system prevents employee time theft by tracking employee working hours, login time, and departures. 

The resources used for documenting attendance must keep pace with the technology that is developing at lightning speed. A biometric attendance management system is a cloud-based system, and it provides advantages of consistency, cost optimization, and ease of access across different devices and platforms.

You can choose a reliable brand like KENT CamAttendance, a touchless biometric attendance management system that prohibits such activities. Following are the features that will help to eradicate buddy punching from your organization:

  • Face Recognition

The face recognition feature is an essential component of a biometric attendance management system. It allows the employee to clock in and clock out after the day is over. Attendance machines using the face recognition feature minimizes the chance of clocking in for fraud since it used an AI-based Computer Vision to recognize the employee and then mark their attendance.

  • Cloud Compatibility

This cloud-based biometric attendance management system uses time attendance programs that are based on cloud computing technology. It helps in storing employee’s attendance records along with other data in real-time. The cloud server allows HR to download or update user employee data from the cloud database and have smooth attendance management. 

  • Touchless Features

As the pandemic is going on, the Indian Government has abolished biometric fingerprints to curb the infection rate. This advanced attendance management system comes up with touchless attendance machines; these machines efficiently deliver attendance records. Touchless attendance machines use facial recognition as a medium for recording attendance, thereby minimizing the chances of spreading the virus in the workplace. 

It also provides features like mask detection to ensure that the safety protocols are taken seriously. When the employee comes in front of the device to record their attendance, it first asks them to put on the mask. The next step is that the device asks to remove the mask and then use the facial recognition technology to mark attendance. If the employee is already wearing a mask, it directly proceeds to the second step of recoding the attendance. 

  • Seamless Integration with HRMS

Every organizational set-up has a Human Resource Management Software that helps in the handling of internal HR functions. HRMS is used to store employee data, manage payroll, recruitment time, and attendance, making it a vital management tool. KENT CamAttendance can be easily integrated with the existing HRMS system and provide seamless attendance recording management. 

Abolish Buddy Punching with a Biometric Attendance Management System

The only way to abolish buddy punching in your organization is by installing a biometric attendance management system that will allow you to keep an eye on the employee’s work hours. Go for KENT CamAttendance for your company; it is the next generation touchless attendance machine that offers features like- real person detection, high speed, accuracy, and AI-based computer vision to mark attendance. You can book a free demo and understand these features in a better way. 

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