Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Parental separation is when a child’s battle or wrath towards one parent is not justified and is the result of psychological purpose by the other parent. It is one of a number of reasons why a child may reject or resist spending time with one parent post-separation. All potential risk factors, such as domestic abuse, must be well enough and safely considered, reduced or resolved before assessing the other case factors by ludmer law.

Diagnosing Parental alienation

The identification or diagnosis of PA is based on the Five-Factor Model. If the following factors are present, it is highly likely that the family is experiencing PA:

  • Factor One: the child actively avoids, resists, or refuses a relationship with a parent.
  • Factor Two: the presence of a prior positive relationship between the child and the now rejected parent.
  • Factor Three: the absence of abuse or neglect or serious lack of parenting on the part of the now rejected parent.
  • Factor Four: use of multiple separate behaviours by the favoured parent.
  • Factor Five: an exhibition of many or all of the eight behavioural indications of separate by the child. 

Parental alienation warning signs

There are a number of possible parental separation warning signs, including the following:

  • A child shows hesitation or refuses to go to contact with the parent without a valid reason. The hesitation does not match the child’s actual experience with that parent.
  • The child may frequently complain about the parent to others, for example, schoolteachers, Brian Ludmer
  • They show a lack of doubt, clear-cut choosing the side of one parent over the other in all situations, even when it may not suit their interests.
  • The child separates parents as either all ‘good’ or all ‘bad.’

The story of the child uses has adult language or tone and vary from their experience with the other parent.

  • The child often becomes obsessed with one or two negative incidents that happened with the parent, repeating them over and over to different adults.
  • It is difficult for the child to ‘hold onto’ positive aspects of contact with the parent.
  • The child may speak to the separate parent in a disrespectful and mocking tone.

How alienation is best treated psychologically?

Individual therapy alone for the separate child not only will be unlikely to resolve the separation; it is likely to reinforce the pattern. Separated children must be treated in joint sessions with the targeted parent.

 The separation of parents must be in treatment as well to learn to recognize and stop his/her separation behaviours. Court involvement is generally essential in more terrible separation cases where time allotted to the targeted parent in the court-approved parenting plan is being blocked.


Never give up. Continue to express love, interest, and affection towards the kids even as they claim they want nothing to do with parents. Some kids may even go along with the other parent’s handle simply as a means of testing to see how far the commitment and love for them actually goes.

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