Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Does booking a dental visit make your entire body tense with fear? Would you rather endure the affliction of a toothache than step foot in your dentist’s office? You are not alone. Many people are phobic about going to the dentist and prefer leaving dental issues unresolved. If you are scared of dental visits, sedation dentistry Koreatown can help reduce anxiety and make your visits easier.

Sedation can be used for any dental work, from invasive procedures to simple tooth cleaning. The type of sedation the dentist uses depends on the severity of the anxiety or fear.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry involves using medication to keep patients calm during dental procedures. It is sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry, but that is not entirely accurate since patients are usually awake, except for those under general anesthesia. The different sedation levels used are:

  • Minimal sedation. Here is where you are fully awake but relaxed
  • Moderate sedation. You will be awake but have little memory of the procedure; you may also slur your words.
  • Deep sedation. Here, you are on the edge of consciousness, but you can be awakened
  • General anesthesia. You are unconscious and won’t remember anything.

Types of sedation used in dentistry

Patients have several options when it comes to sedation dentistry. The one your dentist recommends depends on your fear’s severity. Below are the types of sedation your dentist may offer.

  • Inhaled minimal sedation

You breathe nitrous oxide combined with oxygen through a mask placed over your nose. Nitrous oxide or laughing gas helps you relax. The dentist can regulate the amount of sedation you receive during a procedure. Nitrous oxide gas tends to wear off quickly, so you can drive home after the procedure.

  • Oral sedation

Oral sedation can range from minimal to moderate, depending on your total dose. You will take a pill about an hour before the procedure for minimal sedation. The pill makes you drowsy, but you will be awake throughout the procedure. To produce moderate sedation, your dentist may offer a larger dose; this is the most common type of anesthesia associated with sedation dentistry. Some people become so dizzy that they fall asleep during the procedure. They can, however, be awakened with a gentle shake.

  • IV sedation

Intravenous sedation is administered through a vein, so it takes effect more quickly. The dentist can also adjust the level of sedation with this method.

  • Deep sedation

You will get medications that make you almost unconscious or unconscious. When under general anesthesia, you can’t be easily awakened until the effects of anesthesia wear off. The effects of general anesthesia can also be reversed with medication.

Who benefits from sedation dentistry?

Sedation is helpful and most appropriate for people with a real fear of anxiety that prevents them from seeking dental services. You may also benefit from sedation dentistry if you have a low pain threshold, sensitive teeth, or a bad gag reflex. People who can’t sit still in the dentist’s chair or need a large amount of dental work completed may also need sedation.

If you have dental anxiety, consult your dentist at WPD Dental Group to know how you can benefit from sedation dentistry.

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