Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Traveling is risky during these difficult times. Shipping your car keeps you safe and inside. You won’t even need to leave your property if you have a car delivered. We wish you, everyone, well and safe travels.

COVID-19 Information From The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Auto Shipping California wishes everyone a speedy recovery at this difficult time. We hope everyone stays safe and follows the CDC’s safety guidelines. The Coronavirus, COVID-19, is currently a global epidemic. Everyone must adopt social separation and stay home until absolutely necessary to go shopping or see a doctor. Thank goodness for car shipping businesses like Auto Shipping California. So, if you need your car delivered but want to be secure at home, shipping it will help.

Most importantly, you should know the facts regarding COVID-19 and how to avoid catching or spreading the virus. Be cautious once the first wave of the virus has passed, as at least one more rise in cases is likely before the pandemic is declared over.

COVID-19 Facts

Cough, fever, and wheezing are symptoms. Symptoms emerge two to fourteen days following exposure. If you think you have COVID-19 symptoms and should be tested, call your local health department or doctor.

The CDC advises seeking prompt medical assistance if you develop COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms include trouble breathing, chest pain, bluish face or lips, and increased disorientation.

Steps To Take To Stop The Spread Of The Coronavirus:

  • Social isolation is critical in preventing coronavirus spread. Social distance is the practice of avoiding social contact. 
  • Social distancing also means keeping a six-foot distance from other people in public places like the grocery store. 
  • Any symptoms should be kept in isolation until they worsen, at which point you should notify your local health department or doctor. 
  • Consider wearing a mask and gloves. 
  • Always wash your hands for at least twenty seconds each time. 
  • Use hand sanitizer frequently if available.
  • Avoid touching your face or any other often touched surfaces.

Traveling Now Through Summer Poses A High Risk

Until all quarantine precautions are abolished, everyone should avoid unnecessary travel. In your circumstances, travel to and from the grocery shop may be required. However, you should minimize travel as much as possible because of the increased risk of COVID-19 infection.

Avoid long-distance travel during this pandemic. Traveling long distances during this coronavirus outbreak increases your risk of acquiring the virus. Traveling through a few population hubs will also enhance your chances of catching the virus. If you can avoid travel, you should. You can do this by postponing trip arrangements and shipping urgent items. That includes shipping your car if it is far away.

Car Shipping During The Coronavirus Quarantine?

Yes, even during the coronavirus quarantine. Call an auto shipping provider, book your shipment, and wait for your vehicle to be picked up. In most situations, door-to-door transport is available, so you won’t have to leave your home.

Occasionally, some shipments need you to drive to a nearby area, such as a parking lot, to be picked up. Because some streets are too narrow or have too low clearance for an auto carrier truck to travel on. You will still avoid driving hundreds of miles via crowded cities and sick individuals.

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How To Be Safe During Vehicle Pickup And Delivery

The most critical aspect of car transport during these difficult times is avoiding the coronavirus. Taking a few easy precautions will keep you safe and clean during car transport.

Clean your car completely before and after transportation. Keeping your home clean and sterilized during this epidemic is crucial, so is keeping your car clean. Primarily, this entails cleaning your car’s interior, especially surfaces that others might touch. Lysol disinfectant wipes effectively eliminate germs on frequently handled surfaces.

Consider using gloves when picking up and dropping off your car. When outside these days, you can’t be sure which surfaces have been touched.


It’s a difficult period for everyone in quarantine or infected with the virus. Auto Shipping California wishes those directly affected by the coronavirus a swift recovery and wishes everyone else well and safe. We can all assist prevent the transmission of this disease by keeping social distance, washing our hands often, and remaining home as much as possible. If you are interested in learning more essential information about vehicle transport, do not hesitate to contact the reliable agents of Auto Shipping California.

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